Chapter 3

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'So what's your story Mae?' Barclay quizzes me as we're walking on the pier.

The seagulls are flying around above us as I'm trying to think of the most interesting response possible.

'My story....I'm secretly a princess so you should bow down to me, peasant!' I say as cooly as I can before Barclay starts laughing.

I look at Barclay, a questioning look on my face, 'what's so funny?' I ask as angrily as I can.

Barclay stops laughing abruptly 'you're serious?'

I take a deep breath and look off into the distance. 'Nope.' I start walking again.

'So an actress then?' Barclay asks strolling next to me.

'Nope.' I smile walking off, secretly enjoying how interested someone is in me for a change.

'Are you actually going to tell me-' a bunch of girls scream 'Barclay!' And within seconds we're surrounded by teenage girls.

'OMG! Barclay Beales! What are you doing here?' a young girl asks.

'Im actually here for a day off' Barclay replies unfazed by this sudden attention surrounding him.

I look at Barclay. How did I not recognise him earlier? He's in Stereo Kicks...the next big boy band. And worse I'm falling for him.

I slowly turn around and leave the swarm of people.

It was never going to work anyway, I tell myself to stop me from turning round to the most perfect boy I've ever met.

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