Chapter 27

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Rosalina's POV:


"Mom" sky asked questionably When she said mom My heart starts beating faster and faster

"Mom what are you doing here. I didn't see your car parked in the Drive way"

"Me and your mother wanted to surprise you, rowan picked us up from the airport two hours ago" her mom said pulling her into a hug which she returned. Pulling back from the hug her mom looked at me making me cower under to gaze

"And who might this be" she asked looking back at Skylar

"This is my girlfriend Rosalina" Sky said grabbing my waist

"I'm Skylar and this is my wife Iona where skys parents" Skylar says grabbing her wife's hand as she walked next to her

"Hello" i say Acknowledging Both of them Iona introduces herself and I have to say she was a Beautiful women.

"Sky your grandma's are here there in the house" Iona says before walking away with Skylar

We look behind us and see the most sexiest blue cars it was a 2019 rolls-Royce wraith I've never seen one in person until now and damn it was sexy.

We look behind us and see the most sexiest blue cars it was a 2019 rolls-Royce wraith I've never seen one in person until now and damn it was sexy

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The car pulls into the drive way and a brown headed boy and another blonde boy gets out the car

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The car pulls into the drive way and a brown headed boy and another blonde boy gets out the car

I watch as skys face lights up the runs over to the brown headed boy and jumps on him wrapping her arms and legs around his body

"Noah" she screeches holding onto him tightly while smiling widely

"Hi little sis I missed you too" he says chuckling while wrapping his arms around her waist and spinning her around

I watch in adoration at the two before the blonde heard boy walks up to me.

"Hello I'm Kyle Noahs boyfriend, I'm guessing your sky or Rowan's girlfriend"

"Hi I'm Rosalina but you can call me rosa for short I'm skys girlfriend" i say politely he nods his head before going inside the open door

Skys walks back to me with her brother I'm guessing.

"oh I've never see you before who are you" he politely asked with his French accent

"I'm Rosalina skys girlfriend" i say with a small smile making it known that sky is mines call it possessive call it what you'd like.

He turns and smirks at sky making her blush and slap his arm before grabbing my hand and leading me inside the house.

Once getting into the house sky introduced me to her grandmas Gemma and Alania. A couple hours later more peoples showed up which Shocked me sky talks about her family all the time but I didn't think she had such a huge family.

She introduced me to her cousin Liam and his boyfriend Michelle, Xavier and her girlfriend Cora but she goes by cori her aunt Abby and Ezra. Ezra's best friend Ava and her fiancés Cora and Madison, Iona's best friend Sam and her girlfriend charlotte, Skylar and Iona's brother lan and his fiancé  Daniel.

She introduced me to her whole family and it kinda makes me sad since I don't really have any family but either way I'm glad that she has people that love her I just wished I had that.

Im currently sitting on the couch talking to Iona and come to find out me and her have a lot in common.

We've been talking for about two hours now she showed me Aton of picture of sky when she was little.

"Oh and this one was when she dumped her plate of spaghetti all over her self she thought it was funny"

"Oh and this one was when she dumped her plate of spaghetti all over her self she thought it was funny"

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I laugh looking at the picture and so does Iona.

"Do you want a drink" Iona asked about to get up

I was about to say yes but stoped when my gut told me not to

"No thank you"

"water or tea maybe" she asked getting up

"Um water please thank you" she nods before

I turn my head and feel lips on mines.

Moaning lowly I lean in knowing there skys. We make out for a couple minutes until someone Interups us

"Move I want my best friend back" Iona says sitting in between me and sky

"I thought I was your best fiend" Sam says grabbing her chest while gasping dramatically

"Shut up you'll always be my number one" Iona says smiling wildly Sam rolls her eyes while laughing and going back to her conversion with cori

"I'll see you later babe" sky says pecking my lips before getting up

"Here you go" Iona says Giving me my water I think her before sitting up and taking a sip. I see her look down at my stomach and gasp lowly

"Are you pregnant" she asked looking down at my stomach  poking through my dress

"No I'm just very bloated and I don't know why it's been like this for awhile now but i have been eating a lot recently so I think it's just because of that"

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"No I'm just very bloated and I don't know why it's been like this for awhile now but i have been eating a lot recently so I think it's just because of that"

She looks at me with a knowing something I don't look with a little smirking but it disappears as fast as it came

"Oh I'm sorry" she says with a apologetic look

"No your fine don't be" i say with a little smile

"Come on let's go outside I want you to meet queen and king" she says getting up and grabbing my hand.

𝑈𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝐹𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 (𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑠𝑠)(EXTREME EDITING)) Where stories live. Discover now