Chapter 14 Cubby Wubby makes a big mess in the bedroom

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Jake's POV

As I was watching the Simpsons with Izzy Wizzy on my lap holding her childhood teddy bear, I heard noises coming from our bedroom. So I took Izzy by her hand and went to check. Once we arrived in our bedroom, I saw everything on the floor. My mattress, Izzy's mattress the pillows, and the sheets were on the floor.

"Uh-oh,  Guppy in big trouble." Izzy said as I looed at him.

"Me don't make big mess, E-zee did it." Cubby exclaimed as i wasn't bying it.

"Nice try Cubby, but Izzy was with me the whole time in the living room." I said as I took his hand and brought him back to the timeout chair.

"NO!" Cubby yelled.

"Cubby, never ever blame thing on your big sister." I reminded him.

"Sowwy."" Cubby apologized in his sweet baby voice.

"That's okay Cubby,  apology accepted.  But thanks to the big mess you made in the bedroom I'm going to have to clear it up." I told him as he looked down in shame.

"Aww, Jakey, Guppy crying." Izzy told me.

"Yeah, I can see that." I said as she then left.

"Izzy?" I called as she came back holding Cubby's stuffed bunny as she handed it to him.

"Aww, how sweet." I exclaimed.

"Izzy, how did you know?" I asked.

"Me smart girl!" Izzy Wizzy answered as i smiled.

"Es, you are come here!" I said as I picked her up and gave Izzy a piggy back ride.

"Weeeeeeeeeee!" Izzy cheered with excitement.

""Hey Jake I'm back!" Skully told me.

"Back from where?" I asked.

"I was on Skybird Island on a date with the winger." Skully said.

"Oh. Well I'm glad you too lovebirds had fun." I exclaimed.

"Yeah. Wait you think I have a thing with winger?" Skully asked.

"Skully, she gave you a mirror, and she also said that you were handsome." I reminded him.

"Oh right." Skully said with a hint of a blush coming out of hid two cheeks.

"Wait, what happened to Izzy and Cubby?" Skully asked.

"Trust me I think you already know.'' Itold him.

"The pirate pool of youth again?" Skully answered.

"Yep." I said.

"So, your pirate sitting them?" Skully wondered.

"Yeah.' I said.

"And how is it going?" Skully excclaimed.

"It's going well." I told him.

"Okay, good." Skully answered.

"Jakey, me hungry.' Izzy Wizzy said as her tummy was growling.

"You know what, I'm feeling hungry myself.  What about you Cubby?" I asked as he nodded his head.

"My time out over?" Cubby Wubby exclaimed.

"Yes! But next time do not make a mess in the bedroom." I told him as we all went into the kitchen while Skully was eating some crackers.

"Does Cubby Wubby, want a cracker?" Skully asked.

"NO! NO Cwacker!" Cubby denied the cracker.

"Cubby no yelling." I told him as I sat on the chair pixked both Cubby and Izzy up, and fed them their bottles.

"That's it little ones drink up." I told them.

"Jakey, drink up too." Izzy Wizzy said as she put the bottle my mouth.

"Izzy I'm a big boy I don't need this. except for you and Cubby since both of you are still babies." I said.

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