Star Wars

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The temple was burning, something that should have never happened under any circumstances.

Their loyal soldiers, the clones, had turned on them. Not all of them it seemed, but the vast majority now stood within the walls of the temple itself, slaughtering the Jedi in it there with the help of some Mandalorians. Why Mandalorians are in the temple nobody knows and it did not help that there are rumors that this is led by a few turncoat Jedis.

Whoever these turncoats were was not of the concern of Tera Sinube at the moment. What was was the safety of the small group of younglings he was escorting. If a fight broke out, he could delay the attackers, Tera was sure of that. If he had to sacrifice his own life for the safety of the children, to allow them to escape this massacre, then he would without a shadow of a doubt. He was old, and his time had long since passed. All that mattered now was that someone survived.

Tera: Come younglings, we must move swiftly.

Tera looked at the group behind him. Six younglings and 2 temple guards. That was all he had been able to group together and find on the way when the temple had been under siege. Tera heard the quiet whimpers of fear from the younglings, The temple guards tried keeping them calm.

Moving faster than he had for years, Tera Sinube turned a corner in the endless halls of the Jedi temple, grasping a single clone trooper who happened to be there with the force, and slamming him into the wall, before he could move 2 Mandalorians were in front of him and her heard movement from behind him.

TG: There are 10 clones looking at us but they are not doing anything.

Tera: There are 2 Mandalorians standing in front of us.

It was then that Tera and the guards felt it. A sudden presence in the force hit their senses, one that was heavily clouded, mixed with light and dark next to it was someone that had a lot of darkside in them. And then another one, this one further away, but closing in on them. This one was the same; it was heavily imbued with the darkside.

Clearly these were the turncoats.

Shaking off the discomfort and anger he felt through the force, Tera turned to the children behind him; they were all scared but one of them. Her name was Katooni. She was fine. Everyone heard more footsteps and then a figure dressed in Mandalorian armor that had a cape that was attached to a chest piece walked in the middle of the 2 Mandalorians behind her were 8 more Mandalorians and surprising to everyone 2 padawans.

TG2: This does not look good for us.

???: Katooni , you have done very well telling us where these Jedi were. Come to me.

Katooni: Of course Ahsoka.

Katooni ran to the attackers and when she was with them.The person who talked took their helmet off and handed it to a Mandalorian next to her. Tera was horrified. It was true Ahsoka Tano was one of the attacks and her eyes were bright golden. All the Jedi activated their lightsabers. Ahsoka laughed at this and grabbed her lightsabers but when she did Tera saw many lightsabers on her belt and 2 LL-30 on her sides. Ahsoka activated her lightsabers one was black and the other was purple. Some of the Mandalorian that armor matched Ahsoka grabbed some of her lightsabers and activated them.

TG: Where did you get all those lightsabers?

Ahsoka: The same way grievous did by killing their owner.

The temple guards were going to attack when they heard many footsteps from behind them. Another person covered head to toe in a long cloak, he was trying to conceal his identity. The figure also held a lightsaber in their hand, this one blue and behind him there were many clones. Ahsoka and the cloaked person nodded at each other and started walking to the Jedis.

Year and half ago

When Chancellor Palpatine found out that Anakin Skywalker got a padawan he was thinking of ways to get rid of her but he got rid of that idea when he had a vision of how strong and useful she will be in the future. From that point on he started treating her like he did Anakin and corrupt her like him also. Over the years he read many reports about her and Anakin and the 2 thought struck out to him the most is when she sacrificed 2 younglings to save a youngling called Kalifa the other is she stated using a blaster. The Jedis did not prove of this but Anakin did. He even started to bring one and it had nothing to do with him losing his lightsaber all the time. The clones were more than happy to teach them how to use blasters better. Ahsoka even saved a clone named Echo and Captain Tarkin on a mission because of it.

Palpatine: I must thank that Barriss girl. I now have a great excuse to corrupt her even more.

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