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I'm just gonna go to sleep.

It's getting way too late anyways, I'm not gonna wait up all night for him.

He's probably tired from work, he fell asleep during his break today.

I'll just see him tomorrow.

My phone's ringing?


"Hello, this is Lieutenant Cunning with Deisoto County Police Department. Is this Jane Vardamis?"

Is this a joke?

"Yeah...," I told him as my nerves brought me out of bed.

"And you're the girlfriend of Simon Galanos?" He asked.

Man, what the hell has this boy gotten himself into?

"Yeah, what's wrong?" I asked hastily.

"We understand from his family that you're the only other person besides Simon that knows the passcode to his phone and we need you to give us that code," He explained, pushing my question aside.

"Is Simon with you?" I asked, pushing his statement aside.

"No, Simon is not here...," He sighed softly. "We need you to give us that code."

"No...," I muttered, he would never trust me again. "I don't know what it is."

"Jane," A familiar, feminine voice called to me from the phone. "You're not gonna get Simon in trouble... you're helping him a lot by giving Lieutenant this code. I know you know what it is."

It was his aunt Kristen, the last one I would ever expect to be in the same room with a cop.

Is he missing?

"It's 1999...," I told them. "Where's Simon, Kris? He was supposed to come over tonight."

"There's been an accident, Baby," She began to cry. "You need to get here."

"Where?" I asked desperately. A rising lump in my throat began to choke me. "Where's he at...? What the fuck do you mean 'an accident'?" I forced the words out breathlessly.

"If you don't have a ride down to the station, we can have an officer come get you," The Lieutenant had a heaviness behind his voice.

There was something he didn't want to tell me, something I probably never wanted to know anyways.

"I can try, but I think my stepdad just got home...," My hands were shaking. "Please tell me what's wrong with Simon..."

Another woman began to speak into the phone.

"Hello, Ms. Vardamis?" She had a deep, soothing voice. "May I speak to a parent or legal guardian?"

I busted out of my bedroom and swung open my parent's door to see my stepfather flinch.

"What's wrong, Jay?" He asked, frowning a bit.

"There's something wrong with Simon... and the police need to talk to you," I explained in a shaky voice, holding my phone towards him. "They won't tell me what's wrong with him, Aaron."

He dragged himself out of bed and sighed deeply, "Oh, God...," He muttered as he took the phone from my hand. "Hello?"

I ran out into the hallway of our apartment and began to lose control of my breathing. All the possibilities were running through my mind, and none of them were helping me gain any control of myself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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