Law and Apple's

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It all started on a random day in March, it was morning and everyone woke up to enjoy some breakfast in Andy's house, everyone is awake and ready to start the day

Andy: *snores*

Okay besides Andy since he's lazy af

Andy: huh, what time is it?

Andy: 9 A.m.? Well I guess I'm not too late to miss breakfast

Andy walks down his stairs and goes into the kitchen only to see his friends enjoy breakfast

Everyone: morning Andy!

Andy: *yawns* morning fellas, so what's for breakfast?

Felix: pancakes and bacon, Peter's cooking

Andy: oh that's nice, at least I'm not being served Apple's

Clous: oh that reminds me, care for an apple Andy?

Andy's mind: is this guy asking to die right now?

Peter: speaking of Apple's, here's your pancakes, Andy!

Andy: thanks Peter

Andy walks down to a seat on his table where his friends are sitting

Andy: so did you sleep well last night, Felix?

Felix: am nam nam nam nam

Andy: okay never mind....

Andy: how about you melody?

Melody: oh I'm fine, Bailey's here to eat breakfast. What about you Andy?

Andy: oh I'm just gonna sit down and watch television for a while since I got nothing to do

Melody: oh alright

A strange banging on the door is heard suddenly

Andy: hm? Did you guys here that?

Melody: no, just keep eating, probably Gerald wanting to come in

Felix: umm melody, Gerald is already inside the house

Melody: oh really? Probably just the showstoppers coming

The banging keeps on going but only more aggressive this time

Margaret: woah, those stoppers are hungry

Peter: wait melody did you even invite them over?

Melody: nope

Andy: okay them who's banging on the door?

Felix: I don't know!

Andy: is it Sarah the strawberry?! If so hide me

Margaret: isn't she dead?

Andy: I don't know

Clous: alright let's just end this, I'm gonna open the door to see who it is, alright?

Bailey: alright

Clous opens the door and sees..... Nothing at the front

Clous: see? Nothing at all, now let's just keep eating

A police officer tackles Clous and pins him on the floor

Cop 1: Get on the ground, you old antique

A bunch of police officers tackle everyone and pins them on the floor. They put handcuffs and soon pins them on their cars

Cop 1: you are under arrest!

Andy: wait what?! I didn't even do anything!

Felix: I'm innocent I tell you, innocent!

Cop 2: tell that to the judge, fish!

Cop 3: and we're talking you crocodile too!

Felix: Gerald no!

The gang is put into four separate cars with Gerald being in the last one. They drive off into a prison and are put into a jail cell, a very spacious cell

Bailey: so.... Can you tell me who's Sarah?

Felix: we don't talk about Sarah....

Bailey: alright

To be continued

Andy's Apple Farm seriesWhere stories live. Discover now