Law & Apples pt 2

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Andy: okay, can someone please explain why are we even here in the first place!?

Clous: Andy, calm down, I'm just as confused as you are but I think there is a logical explanation for why this is the case

Andy: well I hope so, because if not... Imma go berserk

Peter: okay Andy, calm down , I'll ask him why we are here

Peter: hey guard! why are he here in the first place?

Guard 1: Well.... It's because your getting sued

Peter: what?! Sued, for what?!

Guard 1: let's just say someone has filed a lawsuit against one of you for committing a crime

Peter: and who would that be?!

Guard 1: well, figure it out amongst yourselves

The guard leaves to go to a break room

Peter: so, who was the culprit... I just wanna know so I can punish them

Everyone remains silent since they know what Peter meant besides Bailey

Andy: wouldn't it be the person who committed the worst and most crimes

Margaret: yeah I agree, well I'm safe since I didn't do anything

Clous: yeah me neither, I'm innocent

Bailey: umm rember the fun fair? You destroyed hybrid

Clous: yeah, but it wasn't a public crime

Peter: solid point, and I know it isn't Bailey since she's new to this

Margaret: so that leaves Melody, Peter and Felix

Andy: melody is safe since she didn't do anything

Peter: so I'm guessing it's Felix who did the crimes

Felix: what?! I didn't do anything!

Melody: wellll.... That's kinda of a lie

Felix: what do you mean?

Melody: you have committed so many crimes and I can list all of them. You literally ate a person, crashed a into a car using a golf cart, destroyed a building and damage to public property, destroying a 18 foot robot using a missile

Clous: actually I destroyed it with grenades

Melody: yeah.... But the worst one is nearly killing me!

Felix: okay that was an accident, but I'm not the only one who committed a crime here, look at Peter and tell me he isn't guilty

Peter: what are you talking about?

Felix: you literally fucked me and melody and both made us cum without consent

Peter: yeah but after I did that to you, you fucked me back!

Felix: yeah only because you set me off!

Peter: well none of this would have happened because of you, fucking masochist!

Felix: at least I didn't fuck my friends you rapist!

Peter: say that to me again

Felix: fucking rapist..

Peter: come on, speak up

Felix: you fucking rapist!

Felix punches Peter in the face and they start fighting

Andy: guys calm down!

Peter: let me at him! I'm gonna fry that fish alive

Felix: how about I roast those pumpkin seeds of yours and use your head as a jack-o'-lantern

The cell door opens as the guards tranqualize them

Andy: what the fuck did you do?!

Guard 1: I had to do that, I cannot take another day of arguing from prisoners

Andy: well it isn't my fault for this inconvenience

Guard 1: I know it isn't your fault, look I'm supposed to keep you here but you seem like a nice lad so I'll throw you a bone

Andy: thank you, so can you send us home?

Guard 1: sure, but keep the fish and pumpkin at your place and we will come to pick you up

Andy: sure.... Peter might kill Felix but we have to keep them away

A few hours later the are released and taken home, Andy puts Felix in his lake with Gerald to protect him and Peter in his barn

Andy: hey guard!

Guard 1: hmm?

Andy: when will we get picked up ?

Guard 1: tomorrow, but I'm afraid you might lose your farm

Clous: what?! Why?!

Guard 1: the person suing you wants your farm as a plan of business expansion

Andy: no... We can't lose our farm!

Guard 1: well I'm afraid your gonna have to win your case to make sure you farm is safe

Andy: but- but

Guard 1: I'm sorry, there isn't much I can do

The guard leaves in his car and the gang doesn't know what to do. They decide to go to sleep and wake up to them being on trial

The police pick them up and send them to court to begin the trial

To be continued

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