Chapter 5 ~ Baby Peach

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I was supposed to be at my dad's hockey game. Where am I then you ask? Max's football game. To be fair, I had asked in advance to go and both my parents said it was okay. I just maybe didn't tell them it was on the same day as dad's game.

Another reason I'm here instead, is obviously because of Reece. I mean after the park incident, I have been giving him small smiles every time I see him. I'm trying to be a bigger person. But this game would be the first that we weren't friends for.

It would also be uncomfortable considering that I used to sit next to him at every game.

But now that I'm not there, I'm feeling better about my choice. Amara is here with me and we watch as Max is scoring a bunch of touchdowns for his team.

We laugh and cheer and eat a bunch of snacks. I'm worried though because my mom has yet to text me and I'm not sure if anyone else noticed I wasn't there.

Willow went back to Seattle a couple days ago so I understood why she didn't know. But mom? Aunt Fay? Even Reece? AND the twins?

I was starting to think I was forgotten. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. I try to brush it off as the game comes to an end.


"You did great!" I run over to Max as he comes out of the locker room all cleaned and changed. "Thank you." He says in a playfully cocky tone. I nudge him and we laugh.

We walk out to the parking lot and I see Amara in her car waiting for me. "Well, I will see you later I suppose." I say and give him a side hug as I begin to walk away. Just as I am about to get in the car I hear my name.

"Wait!" Max comes running to me. "I uh- Well I made sort of a bet with myself... I told myself if I won this game, I would grow the guts to ask you out?" He asked, rubbing his neck and stuttering.

I give him a small smile. "I'll go out with you." I say and he looks up. "Really?" I nod and that gets him to smile. He then gives me a quick proper hug and runs off. I stand here surprised for a bit but get in the car.

"What was that about?" Amara asks and I shake my head.


I sigh, opening the door to my house as I walk in. The lights are out and I assume mom and dad are sleeping. I smile and begin to tiptoe up the stairs.

"Young lady." I hear my dad's voice and immediately drop my head stopping in my tracks. "Where were you?" He asks. He looks like one of those dads who sits on the couch in the dark waiting to catch their kid in an act.

"I was at school for Max's football game." I say with confidence. If anything I can just say that they told me to go. They never said it couldn't be this day.

"You had all of us worried sick!" He says and I scoff.

"Worried? I got a text from nobody! So I assumed you all knew where I was?" I shout regretting my tone. "Don't use that tone with me." He snaps and I sigh.

"I'm sorry, maybe if someone was to text me I would have left." It was the absolute truth. Maybe if someone showed a sign of worry, I would have left in a heartbeat.

He sighs and rubs his head. "Look I don't know why no one else texted you, But I did. I even called you sweetheart. I couldn't even focus on the game because I didn't see you in the stands."

I look down ashamed, checking my phone. It didn't tell myself I had missed messages. Maybe I had no internet.

"I'm sorry, you lost." I mutter and I can see him get up from the corner of my eye. He comes to me and wraps an arm around my torso. He gives me his famous dad hugs that I will take any day.

I sink into him and we stand there for a while.

"I'm not sure if this is a good time to bring it up, but I was asked out... and I said yes.." I whisper and can feel him stiffen.


"Max" He sighs and pulls away, kissing my forehead. "I hate seeing you grow up. I want you to be my baby peach again. I'm happy for you, but just know that if he ever hurts you-" I cut him off. "I know dad, and I hate the name baby peach so stop!" I giggle.

"Well I had to keep up a tradition, my nickname for your mother is peach, Willow's is mini peach because I couldn't think, and yours is baby peach, because you're the baby of the family." I smile again.

"I love you dad." I hugged him again.

"I love you more baby peach."


"A date!" My mom exclaims as we sit in my room the next morning and chit chat. She came in to tell me the exact same thing that dad did.

I decided to tell her about my date before dad could because my mom would be so mad if she found out he knew before her. "Yes, a date, but keep it on the downlow!"

"My baby is going on her first date, how can I not! Omg you can wear the dress I wore at your fathers last hockey party in college. It will fit you like a glove." She runs out of my room to go get the dress.

Max texted me saying he was going to pick me up later this evening for a picnic and a surprise later. I was feeling all giddy and excited inside.

My mom comes in the room but has a friend with her. "Aunt Fay?" I ask as she squeals and jumps on the bed.

"Your mother ran to my house to tell me the news! I had to come over and see for myself!" My mom shoves the dress at me and tells me to go try it on.

This is going to be a long night.

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