The Monster and the Nerd (Skur x Girly Nerd Reader)

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Authors Note: so this is my first oneshot so sorry if the characters are OOC.

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Ever since (Y/N) and the kids washed up on the shore on this island it's been terrible , It seems like only yesterday she was a supervisor for these kids just trying to make some money. It's been hell especially for (Y/N), while she enjoyed many of the things her students like, she craved to play on her switch, thinking of all the games that have been released and announced that she could be playing. All she had in her bag was her phone charger, phone, AirPods, sketch books, and pencils. Not to mention that she was much more girly than the others, like stuff like shoujo manga, magical girls, plushies, and makeup. So it's even more harder to try to fully express this side of her, especially with the monsters.

The Monsters (Y/N) first met them, you were scared, but after seeing them more they were just a bunch of idiots. When they saw (Y/N) they thought that she was some weakling who couldn't defend herself. Thankfully though (Y/N) mother forced her to take self defense classes, plus a little pepper spray never hurt to have with you. They quickly backed of getting the message, you probably taste too sweet anyway because of the way you dress. They all left you alone except for one Skur.

When Skur first saw (Y/N), it was love at first sight. She was so different even compared to the other nerds. For Skur's whole life the women who surrounded him were gross, disgusting, and proud of their filth. Not that it was a problem for him, but (Y/N) was just alluring with how clean and unabashedly feminine she was while still being a smart a capable women. Even with the nerds (Y/N) was still herself, should would sometimes being saying quotes and doing poses from something called a "magical girl anime." the children would just tease her telling that shes too old to be watching those things (never maliciously of course, but Skur still would get mad). You would just brush it off saying that maturity has nothing to do with the things you like but your actions. Skur was so amazed on how you stood up for yourself, if he would to stand up to Zarg like that he would get pounded. Skur knew he had to have you. 

Skur was going to try to impress you, he needed to get desperate, he would need a nerds help. He was flying around in search of one until he saw the black haired one with a big nose. He flew down over to the nerd "Nerd!" screamed Skur, the nerd jumped in shocked "Skur what are you doing here, and its Irwin by the way." Skur rolled his eyes "Whatever, look nerd I don't normally ask for help, especially from people like you, but desperate times call for desperate measures." "Ok what do need help with." asked Irwin. "It's about one of the nerds you know the girl with the soft (H/C), clear (S/C) skin, and dreamy (E/C) eyes." Erwin stood in shocked "Wait your in love with (Y/N), and what happened with Maiden Cheena?" Skur sighed "It was hard letting Maiden Cheena go but she understands, but that's not important, I need help in wooing (Y/N)." explained Skur. Irwin smile thinking of a way to take advantage of the situation "Ok I'll do it," said Irwin "But, you if you promise to not eat us nerds then yes." Skur growled at the demand "A week that's the best your getting." "Deal!" Exclaimed Irwin it was better than nothing. "So do you have any ideas?" asked Skur, Irwin thought for a moment "I've got an idea," said Irwin "but we're going to need a little help."

(Y/N) walked from the jungle to the beach with firewood "Kids I got some more firewood you alright?" (Y/N) callled out looking around the campsite noticing no one's here "Kids are you ok?" (Y/N) suddenly heard rustling in the bushes suddenly something jumped out of the bush. (Y/N) see what can be only be someone's poor attempt at a monster costume with three people making pitiful rawring noises. "Dudley, Becky, Stan is that you? why are you in that costume are you trying to scare of a monster? Oh my god is it still here!" then suddenly Irwin rushed into the scene "Oh no
(Y/N) is being attacked by a monster!" exclaimed Irwin. "What, no I'm not." said (Y/N) confused on what was happening "If only there was a brave hero to save her," said Irwin like he was cueing someone "I said, if only there was a brave hero to save her!" She then see a flower being thrown in front of her feet very pitifully.

(Y/N) look over to see where it was thrown to see Skur ona high rock, dressed in what can only be a crudely made tuxedo mask cosplay that was to big for him. "Attacking a lady-uh," Skur announced like a speech forgetting a line. Irwin whispered to Skur and he took at a piece of paper. Skur started his speech again "Attacking a lady while she's taking care of children is a disgraceful act. For this lady has been bravely taking care of these children, for attacking her, I shall end you!" Skur took a step forward only to step on the tailcoat and trip down the rock and on to the "monster" breaking the costume revealing Becky, Stan, and Dudley. They were all groaning in pain then Skur got up taking off the costume "Oh enough of this!" he yelled "I will not stand and be humiliated, this has been a waste of time, I'm leaving!" Skur flew of in the jungle. Irwin looked to him "Wait don't go, what about are deal!" Irwin yelled, (Y/N) look over to where Skur went, feeling bad she went after him.

(Y/N) were running through the jungle looking for skur, she dodge all of the creatures trying to eat you until you heard crying behind some brushes. (Y/N) push away the bushes to a small clear area with a rock, she sees Skur sniffing like he was crying. "Skur are you alright?"
She called out to him, "(Y/N)," he said surprised "what are you doing here, I thought you be laughing at my pitiful attempt at wooing you." Skur then realized what he just said and blushed, (Y/N) now figured out what was going on. "Skur," she asked "Did you and the kids come up with a plan for you to impress me?" Skur was no blushing a brighter red and looked away from you, "Yes," Skur Answered "I made a deal with the other nerds that if they help me impress you, I would not try to eat them for a week. They said you like this "show" thing called "Sailor Moon," and if I saved you like the love interest in the show you would fall for me."

(Y/N) stood in shocked, she's always been made fun of the things that she likes, weather it was too nerdy or too girly. To see someone try to re-enact a show they never seen, but to also re-enact a show when they never even seen a TV, was really sweet. (Y/N) smiled at Skur "You really did that for me," Skur nodded "That is the most sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me," (Y/N) exclaimed giving Skur a big hug, he stood in shock, no one ever gave him a hug before, he smiled wrapping his arms around her. "Dose this mean we are a couple?" asked Skur. (Y/N) stopped hugging him and looked to him, "Skur we barley know each other, " (Y/N) said, Skur started to frown, though (Y/N) was not done talking "But I love to get to know you," She stood out her hand towards him, "shall we start right now." Skur smiled taking her hand and going into the jungle to bond.

"Eww gross," said Dudley who was hiding behind bushes with the rest of the nerds. "I think it's romantic." swooned Becky, "Speaking of bonding," said Irwin, "Becky why don't we start something bonding time to." Becky rolled her eyes pinching his nose. "Dose this mean Skur and (Y/N) are dating?" asked Stan. "I don't know," replied Dudley, "we'll just  wait to see."

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Words: 1439
Woo first oneshot done! Let me explain this oneshot is for obscure characters that I like, so no request this purely for me to have fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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