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(Here's the full pic of the cover, I did

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(Here's the full pic of the cover, I did.)

"Come on! We got to go!"

A black cloaked person runs, as they gripped the hand of another black cloaked person.

"Get them! Don't let the Death Bringer get away! Kill her and that traitor too!" As several winged knight like beings chased after the two. One of knight beings pulled back it's arm and threw a spear. The first cloak person turns around and threw their hand out. The spear touch their hand and shattered.

"Lets go!" The first black cloaked person said, and the other one nodded. The two took off running, as a portal opens. The two skids to a stop as a winged being floats down between the portal and them.

"Stop this, Jason. Just hand over Death Bringer, and your punishment might cause you less pain." The winged being said, as a gust of wind from their wings blew the hoods off them. A brown hair hedgehog, covered his eyes. His blue eyes glared up at to winged being.

"Michael. Sarah is my lover. I refuse to hand her over to someone like you! I will protect her!" Jason said, and the winged being sighed. They pointed their spear at Jason.

"Fine then. I'll just deal with you first." Michael said, as they pulled their arm back and threw the spear. Jason pulled the black haired hedgehog to him and jumped to the side. The spear stabs into the ground and Jason grabs the spear.

"Heh. You can't pick up my spear. That was a gift from the Holy One." Michael said, as Jason smirks.

"Then you didn't hear what the Holy One told you. I made this spear." Jason said, and pulls the spear out of the ground. Jason spun the spear around as it glowed.

"What?! You're a lowly peasant! You can't have possibly made such a Holy Weapon!" Michael yelled in anger.

"Then try stopping this!" Jason said, as he threw the spear at Michael. Michael went flying back pass the portal. Jason took off running towards the portal and jumps through with the girl in his arms.

"Jason?!" The female hedgehog cried out as a force starts pulling them apart. Jason back where they jumped through, and the other hedgehog further into tbe portal. Jason smiles and pulls her close.

"I'll be fine, Sarah. Find the gate. Don't let your powers control you. I love you." Jason said, as the pull get stronger.

"I will find it! I will save you! Jason!" Sarah yelled, as tears streamed down her muzzle, before their grip snapped apart. Jason went flying back to the portal where the winged being were, and Sarah went flying through the tunnel. Sarah closed her eyes sheilding the blinding light, before feeling a rush of air. Sarah opened her eyes to see a blue sky. Sarah turned her body to see a pale land coming speeding closer.

"This is so gonna hurt." Sarah said, as she covers her head and face with her arms.

The ground shook on impact with a booming sound. A two tailed fox looks up at seeing his tools moved across the table, as the lights swayed.

"What was that?" The fox asked himself, before looking around. The fox walked over to his computer and typed in his password.

"Hmmm. Maybe the cameras caught something outside. Sounded like it came from the beach." The fox said, as he flicks through cameras coming up on the camera pointing at the beach. The fox moved his mouse and clicks. The screen moved right showing nothing out of normal. The fox moved his mouse to the other side and clicks. The screen moved to the left, getting smoke, then a medium sized crater in the sand. The fox blinks and scrolled the center of the mouse, zooming in. The fox waited for the screen to adjust, and his eyes widen.

"What the? Is that a person in the center? But my computer didn't pick up anything coming into the atmosphere. I should get Sonic to check it out." The fox said to himself, as he looks at his wrist and taps the screen. The fox taps on a bubble.

"Sonic. Come in, Sonic." The fox said. The communicator beeps before a voice answers back.

"What's up, buddy? I heard a loud boom. Did you blew up your project?" Sonic asked. The fox rolled his eyes.

"As if, Sonic. I need you to head to the beach. Something hit the beach and created a crater. Can you check it out?" The fox asked.

"No problem! I'll head there now." Sonic said, and the communicator beeps.

"Tails? Are you down here?" The soft voice called out. The fox looks behind him and called out.

"Yeah! Down here, Cosmo!" Tails said, as footsteps were heard coming down the steps. Cosmo bends down and smiles, seeing Tails in her veiw.

"I was wondering if you wanted some coffee? Or a snack maybe?" Cosmo asked, as Tails walks over to the stairs.

"Both sounds great. How are you feeling? It's been years since you were sleeping as a plant." Tails said, as He grabs her hands and walks with the stairs with her.

"I'm fine, Tails. I'm still getting use to being able to walk around. Are you sure you don't mind me staying with you? I can ask Amy or Cream to stay with them." Cosmo said, and Tails opens the door for her.

"I'm totally fine with you staying here. I'll let everyone as soon as I make sure you're settled in." Tails said, as Cosmo kissed his cheek.

"Thank you. Now then. Milk and suger?" Cosmo asked, as Tails nods.

"And a slice of lemon cake." Tails said, as Cosmo gets down a cup.

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