Chapter 1

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Sonic looks around for a bit, before seeing the smoke. Sonic ran over and skids to stop.

"Whoa! Almost missed a step. So, what's down there?" Sonic asked himself, as he looks down into the center. Sonic slids down the side of the crater and looks up when he hits the bottom.

"Huh. A good sizable hole, that's for sure." Somic hums as he looks around. Sonic looks at the center, and speeds over. Sonic looks at the cloaked person and lifts the hood back. Sonic lifts his wrist and taps the screen, before pressing on the bubble with Tails's face on it. The communicator beeps.

"Uh, Tails? Did your computer show anything else about the crater?" Sonic asked. The communicator beeps and Tails answered back.

"Oh! Yeah, it did! I didn't see what they looked like, just a cloak and a hand. Why? Did you find something out?" Tails asked.

"Yeah. It's a hedgehog girl. I'll bring her back to your place." Sonic said.

"What? Sonic, don't-" Tails was cut off as Sonic hung up. Sonic reached down and rolled the hedgehog over, before picking he up. Sonic speeds out of the crater to towards Tails's place.


"Tails! I'm here!" Sonic yelled, as the door opened. Tails looked at him and sighed seeing the hedgehog in his arms.

"You didn't even let me finished. Whatever. Come on. Robotnik is gonna pick us up so we can check her over at his home." Tails said, as he steps out and closes the door. Sonic grins as a Jeep pulls up.

"Huh. You weren't kidding when you said, that Sonic was bringing back the girl." Robotnik said, as he leans on the door.

"Sorry for asking you to come all the over here. Can we use tour lab to run tests to see if she's okay?" Tails asked, and Robotnik waves his hand.

"It's no problem at all. You can use my lab whenever you want. Just let me know when you're using it, if you ever decide to come over for a chat. Hop in." Robotnik said, as Tails nodded and the two get in the Jeep.


"Here we are! You can lay her on that table and I'll start the scan up to see if we get some info on her." Robotnik said, as the three walked into the lab. Sonic speeds over to the table and sets the hedgehog on the table.

"What's with the weird metal cuffs on her? It's the same ones everywhere." Sonic said, as Robotnik walls over to the large computer with Tails right behind him.

"Hopefully we'll find out. Now then. There's the possibility of her being from another dimension like the fire cat and Silver. Since Tails and I worked on updating my systems. We can test it out now." Robotnik said, as he types in some words. Sonic sped over to them. The floor around the table opened open as a two hoops came up from the floor. A transparent green barrier turns on and moves down the table. The smaller hoop was a little faster then the bigger hoop.

An image pops up on the screen as words followed.

"Oh? She is from another dimension. It says that her name is Sarah Grim. There a description of what she lools lile, as we can see that. The metal cuffs on her is for "Controling the Death Bringer"? It gives her a high voltage shock if an attempt was made to remove them." Robotnik stopped speaking and look it the table.

"That didn't sound good. I hope there wasn't any attempts made." Tails said, as Robotnik nodded. Sonic looks at the screen and scrolls down.

"Whoa! Check this out! Our names are there!" Sonic said, as Robotnik looks back at the screen. Tails looks at screen and his eyes widen.

"Now way! Almost all of our names are there! Look! It says here "Death Bringer developed powers, that would bring death to those around her. Such experiments were made for testing. Results proving true. Unfortunately for the victims used is this: Sonic, Amy Rose, Miles Prower, the rabbit, the bee, the fire cat, Shadow, Silver, the bat, and, that emerald protector - have all fallen to Death Bringer. Control Shock had an unexpected impact causing our home to die. We must take caution with delivering the appropriate punishment." Tails reads outloud, before Robotnik scrolled down.

"This was dated decades ahead of us. That would mean that this hedgehog girl is from a future dimension where her home after her." Robotnik said, as Tails and Sonic looked at each other, before hearing a groan. Robotnik, Tails, and Sonic turned around to see the hedgehog girl waking up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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