༄ Regulus༄

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Regulus gently tucks Danica into bed. She was so tired she fell asleep when he was removing her makeup. He pulls the sheets over her and sits on the small space of bed next to her. He smiles softly and reaches out and gently strokes her hair. It's velvet to the touch, calming him.

He studies Danica's face. Her peaceful features; her long lashes creating shadows on her cheeks in the moonlight.

His eyes move down to her bare shoulders peeking out from under the covers. She's just a friend - she doesn't like him in any other way. But he does. He realizes now that he does.

He bends down and lightly kisses her shoulder. Then he moves up to her neck, her jaw; he breathes her in: warm, fiery and slightly musky.

He pulls away before he goes any further, annoyed that he let himself do that much. He tugs the sheets up to her chin and leans over her to kiss her forehead, something that he's done many times before. Reluctantly he stands up, grabs some parchment and a quill off her desk and writes a quick note.

I'll see you in the morning.
Can't have Minnie finding me here again.


The following day it is the warmest weather Hogwarts has seen all year. It's a Sunday so it makes all the difference, people are going to be overly happy today. The sun and the weekend.

Regulus rolls out of bed early, as the sun rises, and pulls on a t-shirt and shorts. He makes his way down to breakfast and sits alone at the Slytherin table.

The quidditch team members either ignore him or throw dirty looks in his direction. He sighs and turns away and wishes Danica was there.

As if his thoughts had been spoken out loud, the pretty girl walks through the doors in short shorts and a top showing her shoulders off. He has to control himself because she's his friend.

Only a friend.

She looks in his direction and gives him a small smile, waving him over. He stands up, done with his own breakfast and walks over to her, leaving his table behind and not looking back.

"Someone too scared to stay the night?" Danica says as she bumps her shoulder playfully into his arm.

"I told you," he says, looking down at her, "McGonagall can't find out that we hide in each other's dorms."

She rolls her eyes. "Whatever Black- I'm hungry so you can either sit with me or not - because 'you don't want Minnie finding out.'" She mimics his voice and he snorts, walking to her table with her.


It seems that whole of Hogwarts is outside, marvelling in the rare heat.

Regulus is with the marauders, the four boys planning their next prank in hushed whispers. He lays in the grass, staring at the sky, not wanting to think about what's going to happen due to something they thought was a good and funny idea.

He sighs and slips away from them unnoticed and takes a slow walk around the lake.

He passes a group of Slytherins then he catches a glimpse of Danica walking out of the castle and towards the quieter side of the lake.

"That your girlfriend Black?" Tom, the beater, snickers. He's surrounded by his stupid friends. "Can't believe you let her win."

Regulus bites his tongue, feeling himself get hot with rage.

"Yeah," says one of the nasty looking friends, "lover-boy over there would rather have a fuck than win a game of quidditch."

Regulus can feel his hands shaking and he glances at Danica who has now seen him and is making her way over to him.

"Not so much a quidditch star anymore, are you?" Tom continues.

"Shut up," Regulus mutters as he turns away. But Tom stands up, squaring his shoulders.

Regulus spins around to face him, ready now. Tom curls his lip like a dog and takes three big strides towards Regulus.

He looks up at him. He's not scared. Tom puts both his hands on Regulus' shoulders and shoves him back. He doesn't fall though and it gives him room to throw a punch. His closed fist connects with Tom's jaw.

That was a mistake.

Tom, the bigger and stronger boy, raises his fist and swipes Regulus across the face. It burns white and his head snaps to the side, his eyes squeezing shut as he feels blood trickle from his eyebrow and down near his eye.

He looks up at him, his blood boiling and he runs and tackles Tom to the ground, punching his stomach.

"Regulus!?" Danica's voice is the only thing he hears as Tom shoves him off and knees him in the groin.

He doubles over in pain and Tom uppercuts his jaw.

"STOP!" Danica screams at them.

Regulus sees Tom's fists clench and unclench then spits on him and turns away.

Danica grabs Regulus' arm and pulls him away to a secluded part behind a few trees and rose bushes. She turns to him and looks up, her bright eyes wide, and she slowly reaches up to the cut on his face. Her fingers lightly brush it and he winces and pulls away.

"Hey... Reg..." Danica says, her voice soft and full of worry. "C'mon, let's go and clean you up."

He nods. All he needs though is Danica's arms around him, her face close to his heart. Her warmth. Her love.

She doesn't step away and she gently raises her hand again and cups his face.

"Was I scary?" Regulus whispers.

She nods. "Yeah... but you're kinda hot when you're fighting," she murmurs.

He bites his lip. "Hot and scary?"

She nods again and stands on her tiptoes, her hands moving around Regulus' neck, drawing his face down. He feels his heart skip a beat and he closes his eyes. He can feel her breath on his cheek then soft lips on his skin. His stomach sinks slightly as she pulls away.

Just a friendly kiss on the cheek.

He opens his eyes and Danica steps away from him, taking his hand.

"Let's go," she says, not looking at him, and starts walking towards the castle.


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