Maddy Tells Everyone About The Twin Falmes🔥💜🔥💙 

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The rest of the day no one said anything no one talked later that day Troy and Ash asked about twin flames
Tyler walks downstairs but not fully when he hears Maddy talking about you and Tyler you were in the downstairs bathroom and no one knew and u heard Maddy talking about Tyler and you ( not in a dating way siblings way )
Tory: Maddy?
Maddy: Yeah Troy
Ash: Maddy what's a Twin Flame
Maddy: Twin Flames 2 souls mates meant to be together
Maddy: Sometimes it takes time
Maddy: Sometimes it takes a parallel universe or something
Maddy: The thing ab Twin Flames is that
Maddy: Nothing can keep them apart absolutely nothing can keep them apart
Maddy: Tyler felt to go to the army when he came back he would always surprise Sophia
Ash: Nothing?
Maddy: Nothing they were always there for each other when they would fight Sophia would cry because she thought it was all her fault but in the end, Tyler told her it wasn't her fault at all even if she was wrong he would tell her she was right

Flashbacks of You and Tyler
Tyler knew Sophia was wrong but he never wanted to tell her she knew deep down she was Maddy would listen to it all
Tyler: Sophia your right I been a horrible Twin Flame and Twin Brother I should have never felt you
He hugs you
Tyler: Sophia
Sophia: Yeah?
Tyler: If we ever date anyone let's not fight pls
Sophia: Can we promise that?
Tyler: I think we can
Sophia&Tyler: I promise
U guys hug then you found out he was leaving

End of Flashback
U walked back into the bathroom locked the door and slid down and Tears were coming down your face Tyler went to his room pulled out old pictures of you guys u did the same but with your phone

( Tyler is Johnny and Y/n is Lauren ) While u were looking at the photos u cried, even more, you went out the back window and came through the front door slammed it shut ran upstairs slammed your room door, and cried Maddy knocks on the door
Maddy: Sophia can I come in?
Sophia: GO AWAY!
Maddy walks away and you hear your door open
Sophia: Maddy I said go away
Tyler: I-It's not Maddy
U don't look or say anything
Tyler: I know u don't wanna talk to me so I'm just gonna make this quick
The others walk upstairs and they hear Tyler voice in your room so they hid so they can hear
Tyler: Sophia I know your mad and I'm sorry and u were right I shouldn't have done what I did I was wrong and I know u want me to be happy and I'm happy with Gia and I know it hurts because she was your best friend and I don't want anything to come between me and you Sophia your my sister My Twin Flame my everything my best friend u helped me when I was down when people left me and everything you were there even Maddy but she was way to busy with Nate that she wasn't around as much but u were the first person who was up when I was sad and made me breakfast in bed I miss you and I'm deeply sorry I hope one day u can forgive your Twin Flame I love you I'll go back to my room now
He says getting up and Everyone runs downstairs
Ash: Now I know what u mean
Maddy: Yeah he's tried everything Ice cream her favorite movies trying to take her to there spot trying to get her to look at old pictures of them so she can remember no one or anything can stand in there way
Roy: She really wants him happy huh
Lexi: Yeah she does but she hates the idea of him with Gia
Troy: I would 2
Maddy: Let's go eat
Lexi walks upstairs and knocks on Tyler's door
Tyler: Go away Maddy!
Lexi opens the door slowly
Lexi: I'm not Maddy
Tyler: What's up?
Lexi: Dinner
Tyler: Ok be down soon
Lexi hods her head and walks over to Sophia's door and knocks on it
Sophia: Come in
She walks in the room
Lexi: Hey u ok?
Sophia: No my own twin brother hurt me more then anyone in this world I though it would of been Maddy
Lexi: Come on let's eat and wipe those tears
Lexi walks over to Sophia and wipes Sophia's tears they walk down Sophia sits between Roy Troy and Ash while Tyler sits by Maddy Lexi Kat and Fez everyone ate and Sophia walked back to her room and shut the door the boys walked in
Troy: Hey wanna go to the lake?
Sophia: Sure let me change
Ash: Ight
Sophia got her things walked downstairs and got to Ash car and they drove to the lake and they all went in to
Sophia: Y'all are the best you know that right
Roy: Yeah we know
Sophia: Roy Tory
Troy&Roy: Yeah?
Sophia: I know u like Kate and belle y'all should ask them out but one thing tell them to stop trying to fight me because one way or another won't be with u 2 ok
Tory: We know Sophia
Roy: Ash who do u like?
Ash: I don't know
Tory: What about u Sophia
Sophia: I think boys are stupid and stuck up
Boys: Rude!!!!
Sophia: Not you dumbass
Ash: Let's go home
Sophia: Yeah
They all get in the car and go home and Sophia went to sleep early everyone is worried about her mostly her she hasn't came out her room and as doesn't wanna eat as much doesn't wanna do shit
Tory: Sophia?
Sophia: Yeah?
Ash: Can we come in?
Sophia: Sure
Roy: How u feeling
Sophia: Better
Roy looks at the boys
Jaden: Pls forgive us
She looks at them confused they grab her Ash started the car got Sophia In the car drove to the lake and throw her in
The next day and it's Halloween

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