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"Oh—I swear to the frog that leaped over the wood piles," you hear them murmur to themself as they approach near you.

"Whenever I am gone, those ridiculous-gawking-air-headed rascals starts making their way..." —and a giggle rose up from you as they stomped their way beside the cabin—" ...circling you like some hungry vultures," they continue before dropping the logs they had chopped with a huff.

"Quite awful of you pertaining to them as those lovely feathered creatures," you reply while chopping the vegetables to be used for dinner.

"R-right, sorry about that..." —they scratch their shoulder, averting their eyes in shame— "...I forgot about you and your fondness of ani—"

"Didn't ask you to remember it, but it's touching that you did." —while you distributed the cut veggies to containers for later use— "Besides, they are not that dangerous from how you described them to be."

Earning an unexpected silence, you glance back with a mischievous smile as you air-quote, "my rascals."

That must have been it as you watched them recover from the slight confusion, sneering, "A fitting description—No offense."

You chuckle.

"The memory is still fresh on me," they peer at the neighboring cabins, more specifically—its residents—it made them scoff.

"Oh my poor cabin-mate. You're still not over it?" you teased.

Unbeknownst of the plan they have already came up in their mind by making use of 'harmless critters and insects' to sprinkle all around our 'friendly neighbors'.

An information they had told you weeks ago, that they—fortunately—heard from their boisterous next-door neighbor, scandalmongers.

"Try foraging in the forest, where the ground is all damp and muddy, and return to the cabin to only find yourself soaked from top-to-bottom because, 'My feet slipped and I plummeted to the river'—mind you—with all of the materials that took me ages to look for!—and it is definitely not because they tripped me."

Without even looking, you could tell the exaggeration and sarcasm seeping through their explanation. Though you still find it humorous, after learning how they came back drenched with only a handful amount of items on hand.

"No, wait—actually—don't...!" —their pitch slightly rose— "It's just—" they covered their face and groaned to which you chortled, repressing the bubbling laughter within.

"...It's horrible," and hearing their grumble finally let you release your amusement, heartily.

They sighed, "I can't believe the insult I'm directly receiving from my own cabin-mate," while daintily clutching the edge of the table for the sake of balancing your quavering body.

You completely face them, with the glee still plastered on your face.

"Sorry about that."

"Apology... always accepted," and they continue to arrange the logs for the bonfire, before picking up the lighter, newspapers and small twigs to start a flame.

The crackle of the growing flame was the only sound they heard around, as the both of you minded your own businesses.

You heard them hum an indistinct tune as you thought that they are merely sitting by the bonfire whilst, in your assumption, waiting for you to finish cooking.

But a quiet shuffle was heard, following by loud clanks of metal.

Nevertheless, the chirping of crickets gradually echo around the camp site. And with the darkening of the skies came along once more, the soft humming of their voice.

"But you know..." they quieted when you suddenly spoke, catching their attention.

"...Whenever you're here, they could never dare come close to me." Stating it as a matter-of-fact, while you continue to stir fry the dish, made for just the two of you.

And there once more, silence coats the air.

Just momentarily.

"You messed with my lunch, didn't you?" and this perked you to ask,

"Why so?" with your back still facing them, cleverly hiding the slight grin that is creeping up to your lips.

"Nauseous," they point to themselves when you took a quick glimpse.

But unbeknownst to you was the bewilderment oozing from your cabin-mate's eyes—or so you think it was.

"I mean you no harm" —you glance at them by your shoulder with a soft smile— "and you are, certainly, aware of that."

"Um... you sure? I'm sensing a stomachache..." they spoke with much jumble of emotions, clutching their tummy as they stared your back. They are rendered jittery by what seems to be like—utter distress.

So, when you decided to check on them again, their abrupt standing surprised you, and choked,

"No, seriously—I think, uh...restroom—" you watch in both confusion and amusement, as they—somewhere—dash away to the road you-know-where-it-leads.

So promptly, you shouted. chuckling. Just enough for them to hear you, and in an instant, you saw them stumble on their feet,

"The other way!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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