Can't live if living is without you

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Louis was so excited when he bought two tickets for the Queen concert in Los Angeles and after a few days of begging; Harry agreed to join him. It's not like he could have said no. Suddenly it didn't matter that it was on the other side of the country or that he has to skip a few weeks of work. Harry is even ready to swim across the ocean if it means he will be near Louis.

Or A cross-country road trip featuring an oblivious Louis and a love-struck Harry.

WARNING: Mentions of homophobia and homophobic slurs.


Harry watches as the raindrops chase down the windows, the evening sun still lingering behind the glass. Louis sits behind the wheel occasionally humming along to the radio that's filtering through the car. They have been driving for the last three hours, the downpour chasing their car ever since they both left Manhattan. Now they are somewhere in Pennsylvania, nothing but miles of asphalt and trees in front of them. The rain begins to slow down, the downpour slowly changing into a slight drizzle as they exit the main highway.

"Haz you asleep?" Louis says quietly, moving forward to reduce the volume of the radio.

Harry shakes his head turning around in the seat, the seatbelt tightening around his shoulder. He watches as Louis turns around giving him a small smile before eyes filters back to the road. He looks so young under the light seeping through the window, dew laden light catching on his hair like cobwebs to water. His eyelashes flutters with each breath casting small shadows on his cheek bones.

"Staring is rude." Louis says an amused smile lingering on his lips, breaking him from his trance. The man spares Harry a quick glance before turning his eyes back on the road. Now the rain has stopped, sunlight peeking through the slightly wet air. Louis rolls down the windows, letting the cool air and the smell of rain soaked soil on to the car.

Harry turns his head back to the passing scenery, a soft red coating his pale cheeks. "You are being paranoid."

"And you are a shitty liar."

Harry swallows, cheeks becoming more red as Louis' laugh fills the car. The words of an appalled retort are already filling his mouth, when Louis gasps moving forward to turn the volume of radio up. The beginning tune of Don't stop me now by Queen fills the car.

A large grin breaks out as he slowly drums his fingers on the steering wheel.

 "Oh, I love this song." 

His face is bright, eyes glinting with happiness. Harry rests his head against the rain washed windows. With endless sky above him and roads rushing beneath it is easy to forget about the world out there. Louis still belts the words, slightly moving his head along to the lyrics. Harry closes his eyes to the humming, ignoring the low ache in his belly and a quickening beneath his ribcage, something which happens a lot when he is around Louis.


Harry wakes up with a hand on his hair slowly rubbing his scalp. "Lou?" He asks groggily, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hand.

"Wake up Haz. Just stopped at a diner." Louis continues to cradle his hand through the curls, tugging slightly.

Harry just nods his head, suppressing the feeling to lean against the touch. Louis gives him a small grin, removing his hands.

"C'mon sleepy head. I'm starving" Louis opens the car door, allowing the coldness to enter the warmth inside the car. The fathom touch of Louis' hands still lingers on him as he removes the seat belt and follows Louis out of the vehicle.

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