Chapter 1 The Move In

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My parents won't leave. The embarrassment might just kill me. I moved into my dorm, but I can't seem to be independent yet with my parents "chilling" with me. People are moving in with their friends, but I picked an out of state school. Basically limiting me to knowing one person in this new town.

My brother helped me carry all my stuff up to my room, I'm going to miss him. He is my best friend, and we do everything together! But this will force me to make new friends right?

"Linda" my dad calls from across the dorm.

"Ya dad?"

"I think it's time for us to go"

"Finally" I mumble to myself. Don't get me wrong, I love them. I will miss them, but I am just so excited for this new beginning!

I walk them out as I smile to myself, after a long hug from both parents and a fist bump to my brother, they get in the car to leave. I watch and wave as the car disappears around the bend.
My phone vibrates. I look down and see my mom texting me from the road. "We miss you already" she writes. I put my phone away and head back into the building.

"Hey!" a bulky blond haired guys waves from the staircase. He holds the door open for me.

"Hey!" I reply. I promised myself to be more outgoing, I guess this is a good place to start right?

"I'm Linda" I say as we begin to climb the stairs.

"I'm Jack" he replies. "I live on the third floor, what about you?"

"I live on the third as well! Your the first person I've met so far! What year are you?" I smile and respond.

"I'm a sophomore, but I just transferred here, so I don't know anyone. What about yourself?" He states. "Have you met your roommate yet?"

"I know my roommate from high school, we are both freshmen! She is a good friend of mine! Luckily I know her because I really don't know anyone else yet!" I shake my head laughing.

We near the third floor and enter the hall. There are 6 rooms. 3 on each side of the hall. I am right in the middle of the lefthand side, while Jack goes to the room right across the hall from mine. I prop my door open and stick the door stop in. Maybe then I can see some of the other hall-mates when they move in! Jack noticed me do so, and looked around confused.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Ummm just hang on a minute" he says and goes in his room, letting the door close.

He comes back out holding a case of water. He props it against the door, securing it open. Looking up he has a proud smile on his lips. "I guess now we start the move in process huh?"

"I guess so, mind if I play music?" I ask.

"Of course not, just be sure to pick something good" he replied. I turn to flip the radio on. Cher Lloyd bursts from my speakers and I look over at jack expecting to see a look of disappointment. He surprises me just shaking his hips and mouth singing.

We both go back to unpacking our boxes and moving into our new rooms, when both of us freeze and hear a shrill shriek come from the stairs. A large guy, runs in and starts belting out the lyrics to the song 'Oath' that was currently playing. He towered over me at what must have been 6'6" compared to my 5'5" stature. It was fun to see him not have a care in the world, and soon enough Jack and I were singing along as well.

As abruptly as he entered, the tall mystery dude finished singing and walked down the stairs.

"Did you know him?" I asked Jack.

"Nope" he laughed "I thought you did!"

We both go back to unpacking as the music played in the background. I look around at my room. I had so few things. I didn't have much money, I was just grateful to be able to attend this college. I finished unpacking my clothes and hanging them all up, I put away my two boxes of trinkets and school supplies and decided to make my bed. I went over and realized I had to move the bed from the corner of the room out into the middle in order to put the sheets on. I pulled on the frame, but it wouldn't budge.

Frustrated, I try again. It moved easily. Confused I stand up and see Jack smiling with his hand on the corner.

"Thanks" I say

"No problem, it's a bit heavy" he chuckles.

I watch as He goes back to his room and I see that all of his clothing is in a pile on the floor. I shake my head and turn back to the bed. After finishing putting my yellow sheets and pale blue comforter on my bed I push the bed back into place, with only a small struggle. I stand up and take the empty boxes and put the outside my door for me to throw away later. I close my closet door.

Everything was put away and clean. I had a closet next to my bathroom, and a small desk and chair at the head of my bed. My bed was neat and pushed into the corner allowing plenty of walking space. There were a few picture frames on my desk, but every thing else was put into the drawers. I like to be neat. It's a silly little part of me.

On the other side of the room, there was a duplicate of everything. But empty. My roommate still had not shown up and I was beginning to worry. I sit down as I here a thud come from the hall.

Walking over to investigate I see a girl with a cart overflowing in pink decor coming down the hall. She walks past me in a huff.

"Hi I'm Linda" I state to the frantic girl.

"Hey" she states and pushed the cart into her room. Turning on her heels she runs back down the stairs. Jack walks over to join me.

"Well that was rude" Jack said with distain. "But man she was hot"

Laughing I hit his shoulder "Jack!!!" I playfully yell.

"Not my fault" he said over his shoulder as he walked back to his room.

Peering in his room, I see a mess. He had just made things worse while unpacking. I go to his door and lightly knock to get his attention.

"Want any help?" I offer.

"Sure why not! I'll order a pizza if you can help me get this place picked up by the time my roommate arrives! "

I grab the nearest box and start to work on the closet. From his room I could see the girl with all the pink, walking towards her room with yet another cart full. Followed by two men carrying large boxes. I smile and wave in an attempt to be polite. She just goes right in her room letting the door slam behind them.

"I'm glad she is your neighbor and not mine" Jack jokes.

I just laugh and continue to put away clothes. Before long, we huff and sit down. The room looked good. A large TV and Xbox adorned one wall, and blue and green blankets were across the bed. Everything was neat. At least for now anyways.

"We did it!" he proclaimed

"I think you owe me pizza" I say with a smile.

He nods and picks up the phone to order. I look over and think how lucky I was to meet him. I can tell we will be great friends.

Thanks for everyone who actually read this! I've never written a story before, so please be kind! I'll try to put up a chapter at least once a week, so be on the lookout! If it's not updated for a while, it's probably because I'm in college and, well life is hectic!

Love Y'all!

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