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Dawn has engraved, which made the light bewitch from the sky peeking along with the boisterous wind that greeted the face of a tall fine dapper man riding a dark mane horse as he approach and head towards straightly to the gate of the vast castle inside the Kingdom of "Melosh."

"The sun hasn't holistically rise from the east yet, but here you're subsequently back and completely alive from wondering with your dear horse. Where have you been?" Inquired by the appealing long haired blonde woman wearing a thick robe to cover her soft linen evening gown, whilst her azure eyes gazed up and down from the tall broad man aside a horse in front of her.

"Do I have to repeat myself again, Sher?!"

"There's no need to repeat yourself, I heard you perfectly and pardon me but I still have somewhere else to go Irene" The man called Sher answered as he turned his back from the beautiful lady called Irene.

"I'm your future queen and wife! My queries didn't deserve to be sidestepped!" Irene stated as she shed a small tear from her dazzling azure blue eyes due to her anger.

"Let's continue this futile discussion once I got back, don't shed a tear Irene. Your only pitying yourself..." Sher stated as he pulled the lead of his horse and riding it once again to the forest near to their kingdom.

The sun has just risen but the day seems to be already going downhill for lady Irene, who was left alone standing in front of the gate at the vast castle of the Holmes, Irene gently rubbed her eyes causing the small tears to drop from it. She was so deeply frustrated on how her four years betrothed has been treating her, considering that Irene from the Adler family was the most beautiful, influential, and a powerful woman in the whole kingdom of Melosh. Since Irene and Sherlock was a good childhood friends before, that made Sherlock's parents the former king and queen of the Kingdom Melosh to choose Irene to be the betrothed wife for Sher before they passed away due to an unconfirmed reason, which this decision was greatly concurred by Irene's parents including Sher's older brother Mycroft who's currently the acting ruler of the kingdom Melosh.

"Where did I lack? Am I still not enough? Do you really love me Sherlock? Because I still truly do..." Irene stated to herself as the wind gently blows her long blonde haired along with her tears, then made a way back to her chamber in the castle feeling dreadful and self pitied for the love she knows that she can't have.

Before Sherlock has run and astray into the forest whilst riding his favorite horse, he was warned numerous time by the guards as their future king that enemies might be lurking and looking for someone they could hunt in the forest near their kingdom.

"How great this day is, my day has been entirely ruin again and I hope that Irene didn't think I've been sleeping with other woman while I'm away, don't you hope so too?" Sherlock stated and asked as he got down from his horse "I'm not a cheater but I'll have to ask for your forgiveness sooner or later Irene, since those feelings that I had before for you when we're still a confused young lads, just completely fade away and been blown to dust" Sher also stated to himself as he decided to walk instead of riding his favorite horse, but at a sudden Sherlock heard a rustling sound from the bushes and there, he was almost shotted by an arrow that seem to be aimed at him but due to his quick reflexes Sherlock was able to catch the arrow that almost impaled through his skin.


Not far from the position Sherlock was standing beside his horse, an alluring medium blonde haired man with a bright scarlet red eyes appear holding a bow and arrow on his both slender hands. The blonde man slowly stood up straight before he fully show himself from the bush, then he gaze directly at the sapphire eyes of the tall royal man in front of him, who he can obviously and clearly recognize that the man is the next king of their sweared enemy kingdom and who've he tried to assassinate just after a few seconds. Sherlock the next king of the kingdom Melosh from the east was surprise as he saw the ethereal blonde enemy figured lurked out of the bushes, while the blonde quickly approach Sherlock with an intention of plugging a silver dagger to the chest of the enemy's future king. Unfortunately for the blonde who lacks of physical strength got taken down by Sher and now pinned facing the ground while his both hands was being hold from his back. Sherlock was suprised when the blonde man didn't even took an effort to struggle or even groaned to flee himself from his hold "his pretty submissive huh."

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