"What the hell? Can't you drive properly huh? See you scratched my favourite car now what are you go.......Oh my goodness!" I came outside my car and started shouting on the person of the other car but whispered the last part seeing him.
"Why did yo...
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"Aru that's enough na!! You have already selected 3 best dresses so choose one of them or if you want my advice buy all three of them and choose one of them tomorrow because I am really tired right now" trisha said.
She was sitting on the couch with folded legs in the shop whereas I was standing in front of mirror with 3 dresses in my hands with confused face as I was not able to decide what to buy.
"Tired? Are you tired of sleeping whole day or are you tired of laying down on your bed everytime?" I asked her while raising my eyebrows and she scoffed.
"Shut up aru and choose fast" she said and plopped down on the couch in weird position with her legs over the hand rest and she stretched her hands while the shopkeeper was giving her awkward look but didn't said anything as we shop a lot from their shop.
"First one is very revealing to my comfort, second one is looking a bit dull and third one is a bit tight from some regions and there are no margins in this also" I told the salesgirl and she nodded her head asking me to wait as she was going to another set of dresses.
"Hello! How are you shaurya?" I heard trisha speaking excitedly to shaurya and I smiled looking at her being all enthusiastic now contrary to her being lazy a minute ago.
You were also being like that an hour ago when you saw reyansh in the hospital!!
Okay so what? I was happy seeing him after so long now shut up let me choose a dress for tomorrow.
"Ma'am look at these! I took it out from new stock which came today only and we haven't even kept all these dresses for display yet" that girl said and one dress out of them caught my eyes instantly.
"Show me that one" I said and she immediately showed me the dress while praising my choice and telling me how good I will look in it. I nodded my head and went inside the trial room to try the dress.
"Wow Ma'am you are looking gorgeous in it. I suggest you to buy this dress, I am sure sir will not be able to move his eyes away from you" that girl said making me blush but I quickly composed myself before I could become as red as tomato and embarass myself.
I know whether I wear this dress or not my reyansh will not look anywhere else other than me. *flipping my hair*
Well I should ask trisha for an honest opinion about this dress as I know that she is tired and wants to go home soon but she won't lie to me about it because this girl will keep on praising me inspite of me being looking like a potato.
Earlier when I tried one dress she praised me so much that I felt like I might be looking so beautiful but when I asked trisha she told me that dress was not properly fit and it was not at all suiting me so yeah conclusion for the topic.
Don't trust the one's praising who is selling the item because most of the times they are lying only.
I really wish to have access to their thoughts at that time and I am sure hearing their internal thoughts and the thing they will say later on will be so freaking entertaining.