ii: Love Galore

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Grey eyes gazed at the green ones, Izuku considered asking her about what Eri had told him but decided against it, “Nevermind. It’s not that important,” he sighed.

Mina looked at him with worry, “You sure? You looked concerned for a minute,” she said. He smiled and nodded his head. 

“So what do you want for dinner? I was thinking about take-out,” Izuku said, trying to change the subject. Mina chuckled softly and pulled him into the kitchen. There he saw the stove boiling some water and some chicken on the stove right next to the pot. 

“I’m making rice and chicken. I got bored and decided to start dinner early,” she said. Mina looked at her boyfriend with a big smile, “I’d be a good wife don’t you think?” she asked.

Izuku laughed nervously. The thought of marriage never came up when he was with Mina. His mom would ask him when he was going to pop the big question, Toshinori too. It bothered him alot because he never really saw Mina as his wife. He guiltily admitted it to Eri one day and she laughed so hard. To Izuku, Mina was a best friend he kissed and has sex with alot. Sure they said their I love you’s but it felt distant, like their version of love was different. Izuku knew that he loved Mina the same way Toshinori loves his mother, but does Mina love him that way too? When he first met Mina, she filled him with fascination and inner peace. A couple of months later he gained feelings for her, a year later they started dating. She asked him out, of course, he was too anxious to even bring the topic up.

“You’d be the best wife,” he said to appease her. He kissed the top of her head and stayed there for a bit before pulling back. “I’m gonna go change into more comfortable clothing. I also have to plan this field trip for the kids,” he smiled. 

“Oh where are they going?” she asked. She made her way to the stove to lower the temperature.

“The zoo. This unit was about animals. The kids had picked their favorite and we allowed them to learn about them. Surprisingly there weren’t many lions from the boys. There was monkey and tons of peacocks,” he smiled. He gasped slightly and took his book bag off his back. He started to rummage through it, he finally found the picture one of his students drew him that day, “Look! One of the students drew me and him together!” 

Mina turned and looked at it and smiled, “Oh my gosh that is so adorable! We have to frame it aww!” she gushed. He was thankful for her in some way because ever since they were in high school she was always passionate about the things he was passionate about. When she heard he was going to be a teacher she praised him even offered to play as a student to help him. He thought for the longest time that she was just being mean but she convinced him that she wasn’t.

“Hold on I have just the frame! I have extras from when we printed out our pictures last month,” she gushed. She ran to the guest bedroom where they kept their extra stuff. She then came out with two frames, one gold and the other dark blue, “Which one?” Minas asked excitedly.

Izuku looked at the both of them, he pointed to the dark blue one, “That one. Can you hang it up real quick? I’ll be back,” he said. He walked by her and kissed her head. He took a shower then put on his pajamas. He came out of his room to see Mina plating their food. He smiled and walked over, “Smells good.” he said. 

Mina hummed, “Thank you Love! What are you doing back there?” she asked. Izuku made his way around to the fridge and grabbed the wine bottle they bought the other day. 

“Getting us some drinks,” he said. He put the wine on the counter and grabbed some wine glasses from the cabinet. He poured some and then put them on the table at their respective spots. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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