I can trust him

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The next day MaSha got up early to do more research on the bandit while the Five went to do some more search in the valley. Turns out last nigh there was a few robberies and a few were caught. They were Kang and Xhan one of Po's allies but neither would talk. With Tigress she had been searching the valley for any clues when she spotted Po the kind panda she had met the day before. Po soon saw her and smiled going over.

"Hello Tigress it's nice to see you again" He bowed.

"You don't need to bow Po" She smiled.

"I don't?" He asked. Tigress smiled shaking her head 'no'. "Oh ok. So what are you doing here at the valley? I though you masters trained everyday"

"We do but today we have a case to solve"

"Really? What is it?"

"Well the Emperor trusted us with his most prized jewel and now we lost it"

"Why don't you just get him a new jewel? It's just a jewel"

"No, it's not just ANY jewel, it belonged to his Empress but she passed away a few years ago"

"Then why did he have you guys watch over it?"

"He left it here because he wanted it engraved with the name of the Empress and he's coming back for it at the end of the week and if we don't have it..." She stopped looking down.

"If you don't have it what?" He asked.

"Have you ever been involved with the Emperor?" She asked him.

"More than you think" He muttered to himself.


"Oh uh nothing but I have heard of what the Emperor does to those who question him or don't do what they're suppose to"

"Well we will get into bigger trouble if we don't have that jewel by Sunday morning" She told them as they walked.

"Maybe I can help"

"You would really like to help get the bandit?" She asked him raising a brow.

"Sure why not I got nothing better to do anyway... Also it would be nice to get to know you better." He smiled.

"I would like that" She smiled back. "Thank you" A few hours later Po and Tigress had forgotten about the search and were out eating at a restaurant when Po spotted Nayi heading to the jewelry shop. Po sighed and excused himself and ran after her.

"What do you think you're doing?!" He yelled at her after pulling her into the alley way harshly by the arm.

"Getting a few more jewels" Nayi yelled back. "Unlike you who's out there screwing around!"

"I'm not screwing around!" Po yelled. "If I see any of you out of the hide out all day I'll kill you myself you hear?!"

"If you haven't noticed Kang and Xhan where caught last night while they were trying to get the food you asked them to get after beating them!"

"I didn't beat them! You did!"

"Fine I did! But don't you think they deserved it brother"

"Listen Nayi you go back to the hideout and leave this to me"

"Why? Because father left the position as bandit leader for you? Is that it? You think you're the boss of me? I can steal whatever I want whenever I want!" She yelled harshly.

"Have you forgotten? You only get caught because you do what you want? The only reason you're not dead is because of me! Now I'm not going to say this again... GO BACK TO THE HIDEOUT! NOW!" He demanded making Nayi angrier than she already was and go back to the hideout. Knowing him he could kill someone with that anger any given moment. That's what happened to one of their members. Po stayed there for a moment before cooling down and went back with Tigress although his face was still red from the anger.

"Hey is everything okay?" She asked seeing him.

"Yeah, just had an issue to take care of" He told her sitting in front of her.

"Tigress..." MaSha ran in seeing her with Po. "Who's that?"

"Oh MaSha this is Po. Po this is MaSha my sister"

"Nice to meet you" Po greeted with a smile.

"Yeah nice to meet you too" MaSha responded and looked at her. "Tigress, Monkey says that Kang and Xhan allies of the main bandit we're looking for were captured last night but they won't talk on who their leader is."

"Where are they at?"

"At the valley's jail cell until the Chor-Gom guards could pick them up."

"Let's go see if we can get anything from them" Tigress said getting up. "Want to come along Po?"

"Yeah sure" Po said getting up.

"Why is he coming?" MaSha whispered to Tigress.

"He's helping out MaSha" Tigress told her.

"Since when do you let strangers help on these situations?!"

"Relax he's not a stranger. He's a friend"

"How long have you known him?"

"I met him yesterday"

"And already he's your friend?"

"Yeah. What's wrong with that?"

"You never make anyone your friend this easily"

"He's different. Something tells me I can trust him" Tigress smiled. MaSha looked at her oddly. She never smiled this often. Knowing her sister was always right she let Po accompany them to the Jail cell and there was Kang and Xhan sitting in the corner and they got worried expressions when they saw Po glaring at them angrily.

"So you two are Kang and Xhan?" Tigress asked walking up the cell as they back away further more as they could. "I honestly thought you two were more clever since you have an expert leader. Now who is he and where is he located."

"We'll never tell you" Kang told her.

"Listen dogs tell us where he is!" MaSha declared.

"What makes you think we'll tell you who he is?!" Xhan yelled at her.

"If you don't I will make you" She glared angrily.

"MaSha calm down" Tigress pulled her away from the cell.

"We wouldn't tell you even if we wanted to kitties" Kang glared.

"What did you just call us?" Tigress asked beginning to get angry.

"Kitties" He repeated mockingly. Just as Tigress was beginning to lose her temper MaSha held her back so she wouldn't murder him.

"And you tell me to control my temper" MaSha glared at Tigress as she calmed down.

"Forget it." Tigress said shacking her sister's paws off her shoulders. "We have to get back to the palace. We'll deal with these two later" She glared at them.

"Good idea. Let's go" MaSha said grabbing Tigress by the arm and pulling her out. Once they were gone Po glared at Kang and Xhan and they back away in fear.

"What did I tell you two?!" He yelled.

"We're sorry sir" Xhan said fearfully.

"We were just trying to get food" Kang added.

"Without my authority?!"

"But sir-" Kang started.

"Listen to me" Po began breaking the lock open. "Next time you two get caught you two are dead. You hear me?!

"Yes sir" They both said fearfully.

"Now get out of here before I lose my temper" Po said angrily and they quickly left in fear of him.

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