Ichigos sorrow

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Earlier that same day

"Ugh, finally!," was heard as a senkeimon opened in the small candy shop. Urahara chuckled as his finely garbed, purple-haired friend of many years stepped back into the world of the living.

"Enjoying all the trappings of nobility, Princess Shihouin?," Urahara mocked.

"Kami, those uptight assholes drive me insane!", she exclaimed. "Our standing this, our honor that. You mustn't wear commoner clothes dear! Such speech is unbecoming for one of such noble birth. Blah, blah blah! They never shut up!" Yoruichi had been more than thrilled when her clan had welcomed her back after Aizen's fall. Central 46 had revoked all banishments and claims against her, Urahara, and even the Visoreds. There were even whispers of her re-ascension to clan leader. However, after over a year of being 'reacclimatized' to noble life, Yoruichi had been forcefully reminded why she hated it so much.

"Surely etiquette is something that is second nature to a lady of your standing," Kisuke mocked, earning him a hard knock on his head and causing his green striped hat to fall off.

"Shut it, jackass. I'm just glad to be back. Funny how you get used to a place after a hundred years or so," she quipped. Honestly, she had been dying to get back for a while. Just the thought of running around in her cat form, or even her favorite orange shirt and black leggings and the lack of responsibility made the rare trips to the living world something she desperately looked forward to.

"How long are you here for this time?", Urahara asked, looking out the window at the midday sun. While he would tease her about her station, he knew the value of these excursions for her sanity. She may never show it, but under her tough exterior was a vibrant woman who loved adventure and yet, was quite lonely. While he could be content with his projects, as well as the company of his close friend Tessai and the odd combination of Jinta and Ururu, there were very few people in any dimension that could actually capture the interest and true friendship of the 'Goddess of Flash'.

She huffed, "Who knows? I just need to stretch my legs some. Seireitei life is quite stifling, as you well know," she finished in her mock-noble voice. "It will be nice to take out a few hollows and get some air while not being scrutinized by a bunch of pious gasbags. If my gigai is ready, I may even do some shopping," she said, smirking. The stores in the world of the living were so much more diverse than in Soul Society.

Urahara had flipped his fan open in front of his face, an action that usually preceded mischief. "Stretching your legs, ne? I hear there is a certain orange-haired runner in town, maybe you could show him a thing or two about speed?" Urahara said this very intentionally. Isshin was an extremely close friend, and hearing about Ichigo's suffering had definitely triggered the blonde shopkeeper's sympathy. That kid had taken on burdens light years beyond his scope, yet every time he succeeded. He had sacrificed everything, asking (and receiving) nothing in return.

Fate seemed to have a bone to pick with the Kurosaki boy, but this newest development in his night terrors had been most interesting. Kisuke knew as well as anyone the absurd density of Ichigo's conscious mind when it came to the fairer sex, however, his subconscious seemed to be calling out for a certain violet-haired goddess. He inwardly chuckled, 'The kid might be an arrogant, hard-headed, foul-mouthed brat sometimes, but he had good taste!' While he had no romantic interest in his oldest friend himself, he knew that she was quite the catch. It amused him, as he thought about it, that the two were actually incredibly compatible; the only problem being that she never took any man seriously and he couldn't understand or admit his feelings if they bit him in the ass!

"Ichigo? Has he gotten his reiatsu back?" Yoruichi asked, quite shocked at the mention of her former protege. The boy had never been far from her thoughts these past long months. Honestly, she always had a soft spot for him, and she couldn't have forgotten him even if she had actually wanted to. Though he was powerless, he was practically a legend in Soul Society. The ryoka-turned-shinigami-turned-savior of all dimensions was always a topic of discussion in every scene you can imagine. Academy students idolizing him, bar patrons recalling stories of his adventures, hell-even captains reminiscing about the berry-headed prodigy. She could honestly say that she missed him. He always made life interesting, taking the world head on, fighting to protect any and everyone he could.

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