🕊️ taeyoung x male! reader

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"tae you're a little behind! c'mon catch up!" aaron z yells behind the door. you pause slightly before turning the handle; you didn't want to interrupt someone getting yelled at and dealing with the awkwardness.

you walk into the room, immediately being greeted by a "HEY!! y/n's here!!" from aaron t. the group looks at you and immediately crowds you, forgetting about the dance they were supposed to be practicing. you smiled nervously, you never really got used to the attention 4*TOWN gave you when you brought them lunch. the boys started chanting as they went up to get their meals.

"i made you extra on accident, taeyoung. i hope that's alright!" the blonde smiles and takes his food. you noticed him limping slightly. poor guy... he probably sprained it while dancing earlier. when everyone splits off to eat, you walk up to him.

"hey are you okay?"

"hm? yeah i'm okay!" he says, food filling his mouth.

"are you sure? i saw you limping... you should take a break if you're hurt."

he pauses and looks away. "n-no! i'm okay! really!"

you frown. you put a hand on his shoulder, "okay... but if you need help or anything, just let me know... okay?"


his smile seems strained, possibly from the pain of his ankle getting to him.

you wave goodbye to the rest of the boys. you loved how much joy they get from eating the food you make. you just hope taeyoung does better.

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