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I love writing. In-fact it is a way for me to vent my emotions. The yellow locket has weird circles on it that are almost transparent the same goes for the grey curtains. I wonder what it is like. I am not a social butterfly, I'm more like the opposite but I still want at least 1 trust-able friend. My current friends and I barely talk and I spend most of my time with them staring blankly, I am not fully involved in any group so I get the freshest gossip and have a deep understanding of the social structure in my Class. And from what I have observed, those that are willing to get close to me are the dishonest gossipers and the trust-able of the bunch avoid me like I could bring them death. Some of my work has weird titles and when written on paper are riddled with spelling mistakes.

So lets begin the actuall story. Amelia Refrs hated how people often mispronounced her name she would be dreaming to kill you whenever she slept if you were informed how to spell her name correctly more than 10 times a day.(Though she could not kill you). As she thought mispronouncing her name was a way to insult her. Plus its not like Miss Refrs would commit murder, it is not easy to get away with small crimes without it effecting your life. A sane person like her would not commit murder. If you think she was crazy, you are wrong, she was not even a bit crazy. I'm sure Amelia was normal. Amelia was fortunate, yet unfortunate still as something was wrong in the area where she lived. Something that made her fated to die a unnatural death and her town burned to the ground, every atom turned into lifeless ash. It happened so suddenly. Then she changed, they all changed. She was killed though she didn't deserve it. Yet her murderers were innocent, they had no choice.

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