Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

    That day, Fu Yuan was resting, and Fu Qingxuan was resting. Shen Yushu wanted to cook a meal for the father and daughter herself, but they stopped her.

    Fu Yuan said with a smile, "Shushu doesn't have to be busy, we are going out as a family today. Speaking of which, I haven't been out with you and Axuan for so long since I came back."

    He returned triumphantly twice, the first time Time is too short to say. The second time I came back to now, it is also time to go out for a walk, not to mention that today is a special day.

    Shen Yushu saw that Fu Yuan was so interested, and Fu Qingxuan's eyes were bright like stars, so she nodded and agreed: "Okay, it's rare for both of you to be free, so let's go out for a walk together."

    Not to mention, Shen Yushu There is no expectation of this. When Fu Yuan mentioned this, Shen Yushu couldn't help but look forward to the picture of the family traveling.

    However, she asked: "Where do you want to go?" The capital is so big, it is impossible to travel aimlessly, she always likes to plan everything.     Fu Qingxuan had no idea this time, and looked at Fu Yuan, only to hear Fu Yuan say: "This is natural, I have already thought about it, how about going

    to a farm in the suburbs?"

The suburban farmhouse is just a good place to escape the summer heat.

    Obviously, all three of them wanted to go together. Shen Yushu and Fu Qingxuan were very satisfied with Fu Yuan's idea: "Okay, let's pack up and set off." They

    said that they were packing up, but in fact, they didn't need to bring anything specially for the round-trip itinerary that day. The two carriages set off from the Jingyuan Hou residence.

    Sitting in the carriage, Fu Qingxuan sighed against the wall of the carriage: "Mother, this carriage is getting more and more comfortable, and it's not hot at all."

    Shen Yushu looked at her lazy appearance of a flowery girl and couldn't help laughing: "Sit down quickly, what does this look like?"

    In Fu's house, the carriages used were not fixed for the three bedrooms, and Shen Yushu was not in the mood to remodel it, so she would use it soon. Now in Jingyuan Hou's mansion, the carriages are all their own, so Shen Yushu took some thought to transform it.

    The carriage board was too hard, so she ordered someone to add soft cushions; in summer, the carriage was too hot, so she ordered someone to add an ice-cube stove; it was too boring, so she ordered someone to prepare a pastry box.

    It can be said that there is everything on the carriage to meet all needs.

    Fu Yuan looked at the mother and daughter with soft eyes. This kind of life was something he didn't dare to dream of before, and now it's within reach.

    After crossing the lively market, crossing the towering gates of the capital, and walking through the quiet horse roads outside the city, I finally arrived at the suburban farm.

    This is Fu Yuan's manor, and this is the first time for Shen Yushu. The family approached the manor, and someone immediately greeted him: "Master, Madam, Miss, please come in." The person who

    came was a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, with a silly smile on his face. Shen Yushu was surprised that he recognized Fu Yuan at a glance. As she followed the servant, she looked at Fu Yuan suspiciously.

    Fu Yuan explained with a smile: "This is the son of Uncle Chen, who is in charge of the farm. I have been here a few times before. He guessed that he had seen me at that time, so he remembered it."

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