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An unknown field with a never ending distance wherever you look, such bright blue tall grass and yellow skies, with a portal in the sky- hold up a portal in the sky? Oh.

A young girl, about the age of...6? 7? Never-mind that I guess. The young girl falls out of the portal and she looks.... Tired? No, she is sleeping. She fall in the grass on her back not feeling anything, still sleeping deeply. She has black medium hair, dark blue... pajamas? Short ones in fact.

"Damn it! Now this from her! Now where can I find a new adventurer...." A voice is heard not so far away, a male voice. He sounds...frustrated.


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A... camera figure? Yes, a camera figure came out to this field not seeing the child. He adjusted his lenses and tapped his white camera head, he is still frustrated. "This will take awhile- ACK- IN THE NAME OF THE COUNSEL-" He walked near the child, tripping on his brown trench coat. "God why am I always getting messed up by cloth-" He stands up and sees the child.

"My luck just hit. Hey. How would you ______" He bends down and pushes the child. The child wakes up slowly, turning her head to the figure.

"I said... how would you like to go on an adventure?"

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