The funeral procession wound down the river Verice, each barge swathed in funeral grey to represent the realm of the spirits beyond the mortal land. Legends say that when you left your body you walked along a road surrounded by grey mist. that you journeyed for twelve days down this road until you came to the gates of Bliss. The Priests chanted their songs to guide the Queen's spirit down the road. Her baby would be buried with her. It would have been a boy, the long hoped for heir.
We ladies all wore grey as chief mourners in her procession behind the king who was it is said grieved in his grey velvet doublet and hose. He wore not a speck of gold or jewels. Looking at him one would think we were in the presence of a poor commoner going down the river to say goodbye to his wife. The funeral would last three days, the mourning period last for 120 days as it was a royal. A commoner would mourn for twelve days, a richer man could mourn for 12 weeks. We would all wear grey, pray, light incense and give offerings to appease the Queen's spirit. As she journeyed through the lands of the gods.
All the horses were swathed in grey velvet, and the rain and sky above seemed to agree that she must be mourned for in the hight of Spring coming on nigh to summer the rains fell. Only the sounds of weeping, the clip clop of horses, the tolling of the bells, people walking-past and the muffle of drums could be heard. She was beloved by the people. In my grey velvet gown I walked beside the wagon that carried the queen's coffin near the king.
"Kathlynne." He said, his voice breaking as I was about to enter the tower to await the vigil of a day and a night mourning for the Queen before her pyre burning. I sunk into a low curtsey, my grey covered head bowing low, "Majesty." I Whispered, "Many of the Queen's ladies will go, since." the king bit his lip, "since there will be no Queen to serve." "Yes Majesty." I said softly as the Countess of Ailshum came forward to stand near us, "I should like it, if you stayed, along with a few of the other ladies." "I am going." He paused shuddered and bent his head, "I am going to Brierley lodge to mourn." "to ride, to have some reflection." "I should like it if you came."
The countess nodded to the king, "Majesty may I speak with her for just a moment?" He nodded and she drew me away, "Do not refuse him this." "This is what may be the thing that heals him." I nodded and came to his side, "Majesty if you wish my company then I shall accept." He nodded, then turned away to watch as her coffin was lifted from the wagon and placed before the altar just inside the tower.
The next morning the Priests began the prayers for the Queen as her pyre was lit. We all had to stay and watch her pyre burn. Luckily today the rain only threatened, the skies still leaden. We stood as witnesses as we sang the mournful tunes to the Gods, praising the Queen for her generosity and beauty, love and true purity. Once the pyre had burned to ashes those ashes were interred in the royal crypt with another service and more offerings. this last was only attended by his brother duke Raynald and his lady wife Kiri and their children. If the King died without an heir duke Raynald and his wife who have four children would inherit the throne.
The countess and I sat taking tea the next morning when I said, "I've nothing to wear for this, Brierley lodge?" "The king will provide for you." she said sternly. I lowered my head, bit my lip, "I am sorry child." "You are right to be concerned." "But the Queen is dead and all you can think is what will I wear?" I nodded, "I shall pray and ask the gods to forgive me for that." She touched my hand, "You are a good girl Kathlynne." "Most of the Ladies will be going back to their homes." "I know not what the king will do for an heir." "He seems taken with her." Said the count, "Yes my lord husband but being taken with and being crowned are two different things." "He may want a warm cuddle in bed but does he want another Queen?" "He needs another Queen, one who is fertile and will get him with heirs."
We rose to our feet as the king entered, saw us and walked toward us. "Lady Briana, countess of Ailshum." "You will be her companion." She nodded, "And you Lord count will be her-patron?" He also nodded, "I have decided that only a small group will go to Brierley." "You three, the Marquess's daughter Lisette, and my aids and secretaries." "For by the Gods I will mourn, but I must do my duty." With that he stormed out calling for warm wine.
the Queen is gone. I thought as we sat there, watching as the promised rain started to fall as the sun set. At least now her pyre was taken care of, her ashes stored. "Milady Kathlynne?" Asked a page dressed in the king's livery. His young voice clear in the tower's silence, "Yes what is it?" Asked the Countess with a snap. He bowed to her and said, "Beggin your pardon milady but-this is for the milady Kathlynne Syles." He thrust a note into my hand. thanking the boy I broke the seal, it was father's seal.Dearest daughter,
News of the Queen's death has come to us here. We are most grieved and wish to know when you will be coming home. Since you are not in need of serving the royal household we shall bring you here to discuss marriage prospects with you as you are old enough now to have a match. We would also see you dedicated to a religious order if that is also your choice. Send by word of your arriving and we shall have ready for you your rooms here.
Your loving father,
Baron Bernald SylesI felt the paper ripped from my hands and ripped into tiny shreds. Before I could be incensed by this rudeness the King spoke, his booming voice-filling the hall, "Tell her father that I am the King and that I would have the pleasure of her company here." "At court if I choose!" "Tell him that he is not to say what happens to his daughter while she is in my house!" He grabbed a messenger and thrust him from the tower with a "Go!" "And tell him I am most displeased and would have him here with his wife." "Immediately." With a stuttered, "Yes Majesty." The messenger ran out the doors and soon we could hear his horse galloping away. His voice still thundered, "I am master here." "Who would say me nay for I am king!" "Nave, rogue, scoundrel, ungrateful wretch!" "I could have him beheaded for his insolence to me!" "He is lucky at all I care for his daughter!" He scowled and stormed away. All our faces were frozen with astonishment and fear.
A week and half passed and no word from father. then on the twelfth day they arrived in their carriage. Mother scowled at me, "If you have displeased the King?" But the king arrived and they dressed in their grey mourning curtseyed or bowed, "Baron Bernald." "Baroness Ardrid." Stuttered, "Majesties." Followed and he bade them rise.
The king boomed, "Why would you have your daughter come home?" "Majesty there is no need for a young girl if there is no Queen to serve." "What if she is my comfort?" Asked the King, "Would you deprive me?" Father looked shocked, "Majesty I had no idea." "I know you didn't or you'd be on the block." Said the king. Father's face grew white with fear, "It shall be my pleasure she remains." "Remains as what Majesty?" Asked mother, eyes down, "As your mistress, as your?" "Do not presume to ask so informal madame." Said the King. they both quieted after that. "We leave for Brierley in three days." With that he stormed from the room. "Daughter we have been the ones who have wronged." Said father, "You would father say such." "when I have done nothing but served without complaint." "Yet you chastise from afar." "The king has been good tome." He has gifted me with a horse, these fine gowns." "But one would ask daughter has there been, anything?" "No mother and for shame to ask, and if it were would I not be imprudent to say what befalls between the King and I or nothing?" I asked, face flaming. "She has you there Ardrid." said father. Mother nodded, then burst into tears, "Oh Kathlynne I am sorry." "But when we heard you were to stay." "It is an honour to serve in the house of the king." I say.
The White Rose
RomanceKathlynne Syles a young woman is given an invitation to the court of king Eldegande just as queen Fereli is ready to have a child that has been long hoped for for all the kinng's reign. How can she hope to be part of this court full of intrigue wher...