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RULE #07: BE street smart

It had been a few days since Mark last saw Kwon Aera, deciding that she needed a little time to herself after finding out what was truly going on in her family.

"Thanks for the help," Taeyong said as they lifted the final monitor back on the desk, the leader deciding that they needed to do a little spring cleaning in their office.

"Sure," Mark quipped as he settled down on one of the chairs, exhausted. The rest of the members were scattered in the room, each having their own tasks to do as Taeyong had assigned respectively.

"So, how's your gig coming along?" Taeyong asked as he settled next to the younger boy.

Despite working in the same team, Mark didn't really share his clients' cases with his members if he could help it. For Kwon Aera, it was relatively easy— one that didn't need the involvement of the other members, anyways.

"It's alright," he simply said, deciding to leave out the part about it potentially being a homicide.

The older nodded his head in understanding, deciding not to press more. He knew Mark had the tendency to keep things to himself out of respect for his clients' privacy.

"If you ever need help, we always have your back. Don't worry."

Mark gave him a small smile before he stood up, stretching slightly. "I gotta go. Duty calls."

The members bid him farewell before Mark was out, walking towards the bus stop. He chose not to take his car today, deciding he needed a little bit of fresh air after the countless hours of working without the sun.

He whistled a small tune under his breath, his hood up over his beanie and his hands stuffed in his pockets. The weather was rather chilly today.

His silence was interrupted by a sudden sound made in a nearby bush. Mark slowed down his walking, glancing slightly to his right as he tried to see from his peripheral vision.

At the sight of a shadow, he continued to walk. Albeit, a little bit faster this time.

His hands in his hoodie pocket found the switch knife he always kept on his person, his fingers wrapping around the handle, triggering the blade to pop open.

As someone who worked with gangs, one can never be too careful. The seventh rule of business is to be street smart. Literally.

Just as he was about to turn the corner, he felt a hand on his shoulder, spinning him around harshly. He wasn't given the time to react before a damp cloth was put over his nose and mouth, before all he could see was darkness.

Back at the Kwon residence, Aera was having dinner with her mom and uncle after their return home from Japan, her mother inviting Kwon Jeongil to eat together with them. Unlike the usual, the table was animated with chatters between her mom and her uncle as they talked about business matters Aera tried to comprehend, but failed to.

For some reason, she was feeling weirdly distracted.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of glass shattering, Aera jumping in her seat. She turned to her side to see transparent shards on the floor— she must have accidentally knocked her glass in her hazed state.

"Sorry," she mumbled as she bent down to pick up the sharp pieces, one of the helpers coming in to help.

"Something on your mind?" Her mom voiced out as soon as she finished cleaning up.

"I'm okay." She gave her mother a small smile before continuing to eat— well, play— with her food.

"So, Aera, did anything exciting recently?" Her uncle asked, settling his utensils on the table as he leaned forward, giving her a small grin.

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