Over the hills

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I knew father wasn't home. He was out drinking with his friends. I had always known, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. I hadn't the heart to tell Maya; she was to fragile already. Her pale skin and diamond-like eyes each glinting with a single tear every time I dared to look in them. falling down her thin face and landing just below her waist. I just wouldn't be able to do it. As I crept into the only other room in the house, I gazed out of the window;  mind blank; heart empty; soul trapped. I never leave myself as vulnerable as I do when I stare out this very window. It gave me peace knowing that there was a whole nother world out there that I could escape to. I allowed my deep muddy brown hair to fall in front of my face, almost completely blocking my mossy eyes. My skin now felt as though there was a blanket of ice covering every inch of my frail body but by now I hadn't a care. I hadn't felt this at ease in years. I was almost...relaxed...just as I was beginning to close my eyes to enjoy the breath of the wind outside (we had no glass on our windows, just square hole carved into the wall) i noticed a figure running in my direction. At first, I had not a clue  as to who it was, but then I noticed them leap over and run down stalls and sprint across the hills. Only one soul was skilled and brave enough in this land. Zachary Carter.

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