Break from reality

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Jahoon: Who the hell is calling me early in the morning?... God damn it! I'm going to be late for work if I don't get my ass up now!

I threw the blanket away from me and jumped out of bed. This was my usual routine every day. Getting home late from work and just falling asleep right after. Then waking up late in the morning and almost being late for work every day. I quickly got ready and changed my clothes before hopping into my car with a slice of toast in my mouth and drove off for work. I'm a lawyer so it is important to be on time or you possibly are going to lose the case if not. Even though I'm the owner of the law firm, I still have to be an exemplary role model for my workers.

Jahoon: Just in time. I still have a few minutes left.

Still have a few minutes left, I decided to go to the conceive store right beside work to grab a few things to snack on while working. I haven't gotten my breakfast yet so why not? I entered the store as the bell above the door rang.

Siyeon: Well hello there Jahoon! Long time since I saw you coming in the morning! You would usually come around by lunch.

Jahoon: Well I was lucky that there wasn't any traffic today, allowing me to come early to work. By the way, you seem to be in a good mood today?

Siyeon: I am! Sua prepared a few gifts for me in the morning since she thought that I had been working hard lately. Also, she prepared me breakfast so that we could eat together!

Jahoon: Eat together or each other?

Siyeon: Both.

I shook my head with a sigh. Well, that is Siyeon for you. The owner of this store. She is one of my best friends since high school and has been encouraging me to follow my dreams to become a lawyer even though I was about to give up a lot of times. Her girlfriend Sua is also one of my closest friends. They have been with me through thick and thin and would always help me when I needed it. I roomed around the store and took the things I needed before walking over to her.

Siyeon: Take it. It is on me.

Jahoon: I can't. Let me pay for it.

Siyeon: No, I insist.

Jahoon: How are you even keeping the store going if you always give?

Siyeon: You have helped me a lot Jahoon. This is the only way that I can pay you back.

Siyeon packed my stuff down in a plastic back and gave it to me. I took it with a sigh and shook my head at her.

Jahoon: Fine. I will let it go this time but next time I'm going to pay for my stuff. You have also helped me a lot too.

Siyeon: What did you say? I can't hear anything~ Now go before you become even later to work than you are now. I know how much you hate to be late.

I looked at her confused for a moment before looking at my watch to see that I was now 5 minutes late.

Siyeon: Thank you Siyeon.

I reached over to give her a quick hug before running outside of the store. I ran back inside again to grab my bag since I forgot it in there and ran outside again, this time to my office.

Jahoon: Only 7 minutes late.

Yunkyoung: A record time. The shortest amount of time I have seen you been late.

That is Yunkyoung. One of my closest friends from law school and also partners when we are solving cases. Having the same idea of owning our own law firm, we both the law firm and worked our way through to the top and now is the number one law firm in South Korea. I sighed and sat down in my chair.

Jahoon: Actually I wasn't late at all. I was here in time and I have a proof for that. I just wasn't in my office.

Yunkyoung: If you say so but it is good that you came now since clients are going to be here soon.

Yunkyoung: Thank you for coming today. We will be doing our best to win this case.

We shook hands with our last client as Yunkyoung showed them the way out. I sat on our sofa in the middle of our office and took off my glasses placing them on the table. I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands. Suddenly I felt someone placing their hand on my shoulder, making me look to see that it was Yunkyoung. She was smiling at me sweetly.

Yunkyoung: Tired much?

Jahoon: No~

I pouted and looked away. Yunkyoung giggled as she walked to stand behind me and placed her hands on my shoulders massaging me. I relaxed into her touch as I closed my eyes.

Yunkyoung: You know that you can never lie to me. You have been working too much lately and not taking care of yourself. You should take some days off.

I turned to look at Yunkyoung with a surprised look and shook my head.

Jahoon: No! I can't! There is too much work that still needs to be done!

Yunkyoung sighed. She walked over to her desk which was right the opposite of mine on the other side of the couches in the middle of our room and took something from her drawer. I looked at her confused as she continued and over to me and threw something at me. I caught it and examined it. It was a DVD box with the name... Alternative universe?

Yunkyoung: It is a game that I had been recommended a while ago. I have been trying it myself and I must say it is the best game up until now that I have been playing.

Jahoon: You know that I'm not playing.

Yunkyoung: Either you are going to play tonight or I'm going to force you out of work. I will lock the doors so that you won't get inside tomorrow.

Jahoon: Fine~

Yunkyoung: Good unnie~ Oh! And also remember to take a picture of yourself playing so that I know you aren't just lying about having played it.

I looked at her in disbelief as she looked back at me with a sheepish smile. I shook my head and picked up my bags and put on my coat before wishing her a good night and heading home.

Jahoon: Finally home. There is nothing better than home.... Maybe sleep.

I threw myself at the sofa and used my arm to cover my eyes. I was about to fall asleep when I remembered the conversation between Yunkyoung and me earlier.

Jahoon: Damn it! I can't rest comfortably!

I stood back up and picked up my bag fishing out the game. I sighed by the look of it and walked to my office in the house and placed the DVD on the computer.

Jahoon: Well here goes nothing.

I sighed as I watched the game starting up. Remembering I had to take a picture as proof, I pulled out my phone and snapped a few pics with the computer behind me. After a while, the computer had finished warming up and it was time to play. I put on some information as like in any other game but when I hit the confirm button the whole screen became black.

Jahoon: You must be kidding me.

I sighed for who knows how many times now and ruffled my head in frustration. Before I could do anything, suddenly a strong force came from the screen and the next thing I know I was pulled into the screen.

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