Chapter 6

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"Isabella! Wake up!" I heard chattering in my ear. I yawned and pushed off whoever was shaking me awake.

"Fine. We're making vases with a pottery wheel today. Your problem if you're going to sleep in and miss out," Hanna said, clearly annoyed.

I opened my eyes and rolled off of my bed. I forgot I was on the top bunk and ended up flying downward and hitting the floor with a big thud.

I curled up in a ball and groaned while everyone asked if I was okay. It seemed to early to be awake, but it was already 11 A.M. I must've had some insane dream to keep me up last night. 

The pottery room was huge. It had about 100 stools and 20 long tables. The floor was of course cement, and each table had a pottery wheel. I was in awe.

"There's at least one expert at your table that can help you all with spinning your clay," A lady with an apron said into a microphone. "As not all of you know, I'm Ms.Wicker, your pottery instructor. Most of you know how to work a pottery wheel. So I'll leave you to it,"

I glanced at the people at my table. I couldn't recognize anyone as my eyes traveled from one person to the next. I felt my heart immediately stop as someone sat in the empty stool next to me.

"Hi Isabella," Jarod said, leaning his elbows on the table.

"Why me?" I muttered under my breath, turning myself around to face him. I could tell he was satisfied with my reaction.

"So tell me," I began, glaring at him. "Why is it that everywhere I go, you're there?"

He simply shrugged and cracked a smile. "Fate, maybe."

I rolled my eyes and took out a piece of paper to plan my vase. I sketched out the basics of it first. It was going to be a simple figure. Medium sized opening, and large bottom.

I added the details to it; a sash of daisies wrapping around the top of the vase, and small swirls being places on the bottom half.

I hadn't noticed Jarod starting his sketch. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see what he came up with.

It was like a bowl, but the closing hole was thinner and flicked up a bit. Lines draped down from the top and faded out when it reached the base. I liked it.

I took my sketch and was the first to sit down at the wheel. Throwing my piece of clay in the middle of the wheel, I sat down. I carefully wrapped my hand around it and pushed on the power level.

It was starting to rise; I was so focused on the rise of the clay that I didn't notice someone dragged a chair and st behind me.

Two large hands wrapped around mine, and I felt a warm, strong chest pressed to my back. I was startled by the sudden movement that I jerked my head back to see who it was.

Of course, Jarod was smiling down at my confused face. I sighed and focused on my clay.

I gasped when he entwined his fingers with mine and scooted closer.

"Let me show you how," He whispered in my ear.

As the vase began to form, I felt like we were the only two people in this room. I loosened my grip and let him take over.

His curls tickled my cheek as his lips trailed my jaw. My stomach clenched with nerves. I didn't know whether to pull away or play along.

I felt him smirk on my skin, his eyelashes brushing over my cheek.

"Like--uh, this?" I choked out, pulling my face away. I didn't realize that the vase had gone almost 3 feet high.

He let out a giggle and pushed the vase down. He motioned me to rest my head on his shoulder, and for some odd reason, I did.

I looked up at him, observing his features like I did at the coffee shop when we first met. His eyes seemed happier now; a bright green instead of a dark, dusty one. His lips were still the same: plump and pink. Jarod was gorgeous, and I don't know how I didn't notice it before.

Maybe I did know before, I just want to realize it.


"Okay girls. It's Friday night and we're basically stuck in our cabins," Hanna said, pulling her shirt up so there was less cleavage to show. Not the any of us cared because there were no guys.

"Truth or dare?" Almost every single girl in the cabin except for me shouted in unison. I raised an eyebrow and looked at all the girls. 

Flashing their best puppy dog faces, they pleaded me until I gave in.

"Fine. I'm not shaving my head, though," I stated, sitting on the ground. The rest of the girls followed and we made a circle. 

"Alright. Who wants to start?" Jai said, her smile going from ear to ear. No one spoke for almost two minutes.

"Lame. I'll go. Dare," I said, breaking the silence and answering before anyone asked. 

Jai did her best thinking face for a few seconds and her face lit up instantly. I rolled my eyes and sighed. This was not going to be good.

"I dare you to get Jarod to fall in love with you by the end of this week," She squealed, and the girls all jumped up and down in response.

I sat there, wide eyed and scared for what I thought was an eternity. I did not want Jarod to fall for me, nor did I want to fall for him even deeper while doing so.

"Fine," I muttered and slouched. "Jai, I dare you to jump in the lake," 

She laughed at the easiest dare she'd probably ever gotten.

"Naked." I said, smirking. I saw that same wide eyed expression I had a few moments ago. I shrugged. "Remember, you started it." 

By now, we were all scattered around the deck of the lake with our phones, cameras, and camcorders. Everyone giggled silently as a few girls shushed each other. Jai covered herself with a towel and put on an act of fearless.

"Shut up." She glared at me. I could only laugh, considering she gave me a dare that was worth life endng. 

I saw Hanna pull out her phone a few seconds before Jai jumped in, and the whole cabin that was next to us came streaming with boys as soon as Jai dropped her towel.

She squealed and jumped inside, attempting to cover her body. 

"Hot! You guys should do whatever you're doing more often!" One of the guys said. 

"Saving this and putting it on my lock screen! Smile for the camera, baby!" Another guy shouted. 

"What are you guys even doing?" I felt a whisper in my ear and hand snaked around my waist. I looked up to see Jarod's sparkling eyes. It was like the moon all of a sudden focused its entire light on his eyes.

"Don't touch m-" I began to say, then stopped myself remembering my dare. He cocked an eyebrow at me and slowly removed his hand. I locked my fingers with his and brought it back around my waist and nodded in approval.

He tilted his head in confusion but shrugged it off. Attempting to make a move, I moved closer to him so my back was touching his chest. 

"What are you trying to do?" Jarod chuckled, flipping me around.

"Uh, well, I-" I stuttered, before he stopped me dead in my tracks and cupped my face, pressing his lips to mine. 

I completely forgot where we were, who was around us, and that dare that was given to me. All that mattered was that Jarod kissed me, and I kissed him back.

Why? I can't answer that myself. 

Before the kiss could get any deeper, I pulled away so that our faces weren't more than a few centimeters away. 

"I should go help Jai, I guess.." I whispered, out of breath. He flashed a small smile and leaned in to whisper something in my ear.

"You know, you can always come back to the cabin with me." He seductivley said and winked.

Annoyed, I shoved him away and got up, gathering my emotions before facing Jai and the rest of the girls.

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