Kioshi's childhood

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Kioshi Hikari was raised in the circus, the mother was a lion tamer and his father was the circus host. Though they never really took care of Kioshi, always too busy managing their business.

The only person taking care of Kioshi was a circus performer, miss Octavia Afuru. She was a former dolphin trainer, but she changed into a secretary after all the dolphins had died after being neglected.

Octavia was a cold woman, but she found herself having a soft spot for dear Kioshi.

Even though her age still labeled her young at the time, the 23yo woman still took care of him.

She taught him how to talk,
how to walk,
how to write,
how to read.

She taught him how to respect people, even though she herself never had respect to almost nobody.

She raised him to his full potential and at the age of seven, Kioshi found himself interested into snakes.

He found them by pure accident really, his father bought those snakes from some shady person, but who was Mr. Hikari to judge when they were so cheap?

Little Kioshi was fascinated by the way they moved, shocked they don't have legs. All were different colors, different patterns, bright and dull. But all of them were still little children, just like Kioshi.

He took them out of the little box, and played with them for many hours. By the time someone found him, the snakes were already accommodated to their new owner, instantly connecting a bond.

Oh how funny it was to see the parents face, shocked, terrified and angry. They were scolding the little boy, who didn't understand what he did wrong. He just wanted to play, what's so bad about wanting to have some fun? He didn't understand.

Right then, miss Octavia came in. Kioshi ran up to her, hugging her leg. Confused, she picked him up, noticing a few slithering friends wrapping his arms so carefully to not harm him.

To Kioshi, Octavia was his mom, he didn't acknowledge that Mrs. Hikari could be his mom, no way! She just tried to brainwash him!

He was not going to be played like that!

He screamed, yelled and shouted, calling his mom names and refusing to believe she was his actual mom.

That hurt her. That cut her deep. It was like salt on a fresh wound. It was so painful it made her realize how badly she took care of him. She was sad. She fell on her knees and quietly weeped, her hands covering her freckled face.

But him.

He didn't wanna hear any of it. He laughed at Kioshi, made fun of him and mocked him. He was ruthless.

Mr. Hikari didn't have any sympathy.
He wanted to make Kioshi swallow those words. Make him beg for forgiveness, not caring if it was his own son.

Octavia knew this. She knew all too well of this. She saw his posture and his face. She knew what it meant.

He was going to hurt him.

He was going to break him.

He was going to kill him.

She had to protect him.

She ran away from him.

She had to leave.

But she regretted that she had to leave her.

She had to leave her lover. Her sweet little dove.

But she had no choice. She had to run away as quickly as possible before any harm could be done to the child she cared for.

Although it was heartbreaking for her, it was a must.

Her lover, Ganyu, was devastated. She fell into depression after hearing that the only person she had cared about left her.

Kioshi and Octavia were able to run away to a nearby town. The people were nice, they gave Kioshi a place to stay and found a job for Miss Octavia.

Few years later they moved to a bigger town, since they decided to keep it humble.

Till this moment Kioshi is still living with miss Octavia.

Octavia is now 35 while Kioshi is 19.

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