Birthday Picture

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"Birthday picture"

"Tch... Do we really have to take a picture?" Halilintar asked in annoyance, even if it was his birthday, he dosent like these 'taking pictures and all' "Dey! It's your birthday, of course we need to take em! Now, taufan, gempa, get on the camera!" Gopal answered, also making a hand sign for Taufan and gempa to get to the camera
Gempa just complied and went to the camera, while Taufan didn't show up "god dangit, Where's that airhead when we need him? I just want to eat my red carrot donuts.." Fang interrupted, while trying to reach out to the donut plate, which was snatched away by the windy boy we all love, taufan "Ehehe, I'm here I'm here, but can i go in the middle?" Taufan asked in excitement, you can clearly read it from his face "Of course, now let's just be quick because I'm scared blaze will burn something down" Gempa answered him, ready to pose for the picture when needed. Taufan got to the middle, making sure not to bump into hali.
"Alright, now 3, 2, say cheese!"


A picture was hanged up the wall, it seemed like the picture that they took on their birthday, it was a very enjoyable memory
"I wish you'd smile in the photo hali :D" Taufan said, caressing the picture "I know, I'll try to smile next time" hali answered, putting his arm on his little brothers shoulder "Now now, we still have lots of memories to uncover, so let's do it together, yeah?" gempa came in, he loved this moment, he didn't want it to end, but there's always enough room for new memories "hehe, maybe your right gemgem!" Taufan finally replied, hugging both of his older brothers tight.

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