Chapter One

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I expected Bel's hideout to be grand -something large and extravagant. Maybe some fountains spitting fire or a lion or two. After all, he'd always had a flare for the dramatic.

I didn't, however, expect him to be holed up in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Winterwood. But here it sits before my disbelieving eyes. Orange light glows from the old, broken windows, illuminating my pale, frowning face. From a second story window, I can see a television with ever-changing channels. The picture is fuzzy and most channels are static, but that doesn't stop whoever's controlling the remote to stop looking. The sight is a curious one, but even gods aren't immune to boredom, I suppose.

I frown as I scan the perimeter of the dilapidated building, finding it practically abandoned. Why isn't there someone guarding the front door? This place is much too unprotected to be a dark god's secret lair, especially Bel's. He'd have taken precautions to make sure his safe house was impenetrable. Maybe he and his band of rogue demigods-turned-gods aren't worried about an attack. Perhaps they expect that one of the gods within the building will be able to sense our approach. Or, I think, stomach dropping, maybe they already know we're coming.

Troubled, I look up at Arawn, who stands beside me, ready to protect me from danger at any moment. His green eyes are narrowed and his fist grips the hilt of his sword tighter, as if he, too has sensed something off.

I return my attention to the warehouse, frowning once again.

Even if this is a trap, I can't turn around and leave. My best friend is in there, enduring gods know what at the hands of the monsters that killed Wade. Being a goddess hasn't changed the fact that Amora is family and I will never abandon family.

Army or no army, I'm getting my best friend back.

Looking back over my shoulder, I signal for the hiding demigods to come out of the trees and follow me as I advance towards the large, rusted metal doors of the warehouse. My Warrior shadows my every step, eyes wide and alert, missing nothing.

I eye the dark-haired god, immensely relieved to have him here, despite the strain between us. After Persephone's death a few weeks ago, we'd agreed to work together to end Bel's insane schemes, but the distance between us had remained. I love Arawn more than anything, and I know that he loves me too, but we seem to have fallen out of sync despite this fact.

This battle with Bel has put us both on edge, adding more fuel to the flames of our disagreements. The fire god's evil plot has begun to destroy a love that has lasted centuries. I can't help but fear what will be left of our love when this war is over.

My eyes slide up to look at my husband and I find that he's looking at me, too, the fear I feel echoed in his beautiful green eyes. Switching his sword to his left hand, he reaches out and wraps his large, calloused hand around mine. The gesture, though small, gives me hope -something I've been lacking lately.

Ever since that night -the night Wade was killed, Amora was kidnapped, my family burned and I told Arawn that I didn't want him to protect me anymore- I've felt like everything has been slipping through my fingers.

Egan Winters, pale and sober for the first time in weeks, catches my gaze with wide eyes and a hopeful expression. My heart breaks a little for him. The poor demigod of wine had taken Amora's kidnapping harder than anyone. He was distraught, a complete mess. For weeks he'd spent every waking hour trying to find where Bel and his godly friends were keeping his girlfriend, but, when he came up empty-handed time and time again, he turned to the bottle to drown his sorrows. This is the first time I've seen him without a bottle of wine pressed to his lips in days.

I drag my eyes from the desperate hope on my friend's face and stop before the entrance of the warehouse. I rest my free hand on the cold metal of the door and close my eyes, squeezing my Warrior's hand as I count to three silently.

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