Chapter 4 - Endless Questioning

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I finally opened my eyes to the sound of Mom's gravelly purr after a very long time; that was one of the deepest slumbers I remember falling into. I turned my head and saw her sky blue, white-tipped tail wrapped around me, before gazing over to the side of her very tired, half-asleep face. I rubbed against her to get her attention, which prompted her to lift her head and gaze over to me. "Unikitty, you're awake! Are you doing alright?"

"Yeah....I-I'm....fine.", I replied, stammering a bit. I was still badly shaken by my whole life flashing before my eyes in the form of this stranger who turned out to be a Doom Lord, who seemed to be aware of his own heartlessness, nearly drowning me. Mom touched my back with her warm, furry paw to see if my body temperature was restored after being in the very cold water. "You certainly seem to be doing a lot better; you're definitely not as cold as before.", she commented. She was right. My fur had completely dried off and had gone back to keeping me warm. I admittedly was still exhausted from that whole incident, first from the fight, and then from panicking. I sat up and yawned, before turning my head a few times and realizing Puppycorn wasn't there. "Where's Puppycorn?", I asked Mom.

"He's just in his room, playing; he's fine."

I got up off the couch, and it felt really cold once my paws reached the floor. "I'm going to go check on him.", I said in a worried tone. I wanted to feel like a good big sister, and he looked very worried for me when I almost lost my own life.

I paced through the hall before reaching the room that Puppycorn and I once shared, and that I now had to myself, and the room next to it where Puppycorn was

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I paced through the hall before reaching the room that Puppycorn and I once shared, and that I now had to myself, and the room next to it where Puppycorn was. He had left his door open, so I walked in, doing my best to dodge all his toys that were everywhere on the floor. I walked closer toward Puppycorn, who had a stuffed bear in his mouth, and was shaking it and growling playfully, like he was pretending to fight. "Hey, Puppycorn!", I mewed. Hearing my voice alerted him enough to drop his battered up toy, look at me, smile, and wag his little tail. "UNIKITTY!", he excitedly squealed, "YOU'RE AWAKE!" I remembered the reason I came into Puppycorn's room. "Yeah, I'm awake...and okay. Are you still worried, though?", I asked him.

"What? No. Not anymore; you're okay now!", he replied before the sound of a bird chirping distracted him. He immediately turned his head toward the window, where the bird perched on the outer windowsill, and jumped onto his bed, started to bark and yip, and jumped toward the window, hitting it with his face, before falling. This scared away the bird, but the moment Puppycorn got up from his fall, he continued to run around, and bark at the window, oblivious to the fact that the bird was already gone. I didn't know how to respond to this, but I was at least happy that he wasn't worried about me anymore and was doing okay.

The beautiful sunset made me desperate to go back outside and play more, but I was still too shaken after what happened. I decided to let my very energetic brother continue to do his own thing, and continued to pace around the castle, with these thoughts racing inside my mind. The flashbacks made me almost feel the water stinging my eyes, and getting into my mouth before getting swallowed, and the whole memory replaying inside my head like it was a video made me feel like I was reliving the whole thing. I got a lump in my throat, and I was holding back my tears, despite Mom always telling me that it's okay to cry. I always hated crying, but I'm not sure why.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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