Well..shit happens alright?

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You panted trying to keep up with the fox man just insisted you follow him D/N easily keeping up with Fundy but gosh darn those two a and being faster on all fours as the three of you headed towards Scott's place for what reason still unknown to you but you went along with it since you wanted to get to know that spider-man named...Schlatt? Fragrance man? You've forgotten since both sound ridiculous you won't say that out though.

Fundy quickly pushed open Scott's Door as Scott ran from upstairs quickly spotting you smiling

"Ah, you here!"

He took your hand bringing you upstairs Schlatt and a person dressed in all red unknown to you laid on a blanket a black liquid stained a part of the floor and the blanket.

"Your hands are small right?"

Schlatt would ask turning around to you I mean compared to everyone else yeah so you nodded as he gestured your over as you got a better look at the man he had a big gash on his side and looked in and out of passing out

"Right my Arms-

Schlatt gestured to his extra spider legs which were holding a quickly white rag turning 

black from what I assume is this guy's blood

"-Are too big for me to get his wound clean safely so I just need you to pull out as many large 

and small metal pieces as you can"

Schlatt seemed very concerned and so did Scott as he removed the rag letting me have access to the wound he gave me a pair of tweezers and a pan as I quickly got to work at 

gently pulling most of the pieces out

"I'm so glad you were willing to help I would have asked Sneeg but he drowns in how much blood there is and Fundy well his hands are paw and have fur so...Not the best for a wound"

Scott would thank you smiling passing over to you half of a mix of a health potion and regeneration one

"I'm just glad I could help I guess."

You gently poured the potions into the wound once it was free from any metal and Schlatt wrapped a bandage around his waist firmly but not too uncomfortable.

"Uh...So where did you find this guy?"

You would ask as Scott turned his attention back to you as he chuckled sighing

"So..Basically he's a Starborne like me, He crashed and was injured badly and fun fact Starbornes explode on death and he could have leveled the place.."

You, Schlatt, and Fundy stare at Scott as he just chuckled nervously

"Anyway so yeah couldn't leave him bleeding out plus I've never seen another Starborne!"

You looked over to the other Starborne being put on a bed as Scott went downstairs to gather water and food mixed with potions for him to take if he woke up you decided to stay by the injured mans side as Fundy took D/N out of the room and outside.

Schlatt came back into the room after leaving for  while looking a little surprised that I was still there but ignored me going over to the man to change his bandages are they had already been soaked from earlier.



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