Chapter 3

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The wind whispering in my ears hitting my drums. Sable raced like an animal let loose out of her cage, rushing, eager to save her master. Her hooves battling with the ground, demanding them to take her to her destiny. My awareness was open, anyone that was close enough could hear her hooves beating the ground, we were already 5 miles in, and our surrounding was gloomy but not to point where my eyes couldn't detect anything.

I pulled her reigns upward, shifting my weight down to stop the sable. Taking in my surrounding, the fog was kicking up and it was getting really cold, shit. This isn't good, I need to move fast, leaves were rustling, beasts were howling in the distance, calling their fellow friends. I jumped off from the saddle, trying to gather my wits, surrounded by thick, oak like trees, tall enough for giants to climb down on, branches fluff like feathers, leaves luscious and the ground coated with fit pasture and meadows.

Sable was grunting behind me, displaying her eagerness and uneasiness. I turned around and took hold her reigns then gently gribbed her head," you need to go back, you can't stay here..." She shook her head out of my hold and took a few steps back blowing soft breaths, gazing at me with determination. I wasn't going to relent, at the way things are now, were preys on unguarded territory, where killing is their way of protecting, regardless whether we harm them or not, their agitated even the forest is in defense mode, which is why I won't let her stay here, I won't let them attack, she's tall and fast sure, but there's so much her hooves can defend, while leaving the rest of her open. I won't have that, not now.

*Thud, thud.... My ears twitched, what's that sound.*Thud. This time my head snapped to the right, leaves were rustling in the stretch, I listened again, attentively, allowing my hearing to seek out the sound...

*Thud!, thud!, thud! ... Double shit! Vehemently I cursed in my head... something big is coming, that's no human , most definitely ain't no damn kitty soft paws, counting the distance, 20 ft. to my right..

I need to get her out of here NOW!. I faced the mare head-on," alright princes you need to go back! Pleeease!. I can't have you here, if that thing shows up, god knows what's it going to do to us, especially you!...?

Her face contorted in what you would say 'you think am a fool huh' expression, the damn stubborn...

*Snap... thud!, Looking to my left, a dagger was embedded at the trunk of the oak tree, great, company!. Instinctively I ducked again..Thud!..Another one! How does one scares a horse!, their ain't no damn mice or snake here! Wait. Or is there...hmmmm

Thud! It's closer than before, oh hell with it! I ran towards her and hoisted myself back up on the saddle, "Princess move like your butts on fire right now, or something's gonna eat it!" Well I guess that's one way to do it, because the next second she galloped without warning and well ...let's just say I met a lot tree branches though I didn't catch their names.


Never in my life...


I thought...


I'd be a omnivore within the last 4 minutes.

How, it's beyond my understanding, animals eat leaves and grass. It's so bitter and oh god, green!!..Am gonna hurl if she doesn't slow down, my face was burning from scratches inflicted by branches...Dammit!!

Ooof!! I groaned, what in god's name... I raised my torso upward achingly, keeping my weight plopped on my elbows behind me. She threw me off, better yet she HAD to stop.... I was thrown across on the other side of the Forrest, she was behaving a bit frantic, I was about to say something when I remember my mouth was a like stuffed chicken...wriggle*..I blinked, what was that.. *wriggle

SOMETHING. MOVED.IN.MY.MOUTH, my left eye twitched...

Wriggle, wriggle* something's moving in my fricken mouth!!!!!! ..I launched on my feet, not caring about the pain and heaved. I coughed andheaved again, clutching my stomach, then coughed, then gagged. "I needwater" I said weakly, I moved away from the garden of greenery that had amixture of my norishable insides.

The pain came making me stumble over my toes, landing on all fours. I really need some water, my throat felt tight and my chest was constricting. Dammit this isn't the time for this!,

An image of a round container appeared before my blurred vision, with shaky hands I reached for it, but I was overcome with pitch darkness.


"Sir, what do we do with her?"

"Turn her around and elevate her head a bit, make sure to watch her"

"As you command sire"


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