( 10 mins later ) ( btw april aurora and angel are sisters and elena and alana are friends with them! )
Alana- * doing makayla's hair * the song will start playing soon * talking to Makayla the flower girl *
( btw the flower girl is april,aurora,angel little sister )
( there done with her hair and this is how it looks )
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Elena- now lets do your toes * they get done *
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( she then gets on her dress )
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( they do her nails )
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( they do light makeup on her )
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( her heels )
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( every gets there heels on and hears the music and the flower girl goes out )
what the wedding looks like:
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( skip where they do there vows/speech )
prince Micah- when i first met you were dancing and i looked at your smile and i thought wow that girl is something else * they all laugh * you were beautiful confident every boys dream when you choose me i felt special, when i first fell in love with you i knew i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you that you are the one and now our journey is just beginning and i cant wait to see what happens next, i wanna have children with you i want to grow old with you i want to die with you, and only you i love you with all my heart and life its self much more.
Angel- you are sweet and kind are love will forever grow i thank you for everything you have ever done for me when i saw you looking at me dance i blushed so hard i never felt that way for anyone before and i hope i dont again because i love you and only you i choose you because your the man of my dreams the father of my future children and grandfather of our future grandkids yes our story has just began but it feels like it already has i love you more than anything in this world and i always will.
Pastor- do you Micah don patterson take Angel love maddson to be your wife to love and to cherish to love each other till death do you part?
MIcah- i do
Pastor- do you Angel love maddson take Micah don patterson to be your husband to love and to cherish to love each other till death do you part?
Angel- i do
Pastor- then i now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride * steps back *
* they kiss 5 mins later the go down the little stairs so everyone can congratulate them *
King clyde- congrats. treat her right she deserves it she's a really great girl
Micah- ofc sir
( btw they didn't want a reception )
* 1 hour later they already left for there honeymoon *
King clyde- Aurora glad i caught you look i found you a husband