Chapter Seven, A Prison with a View

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Heather awoke to a gentle nudge on her head. She kept her eyes closed for a few seconds as if wishing it wasn't morning already. At least sleep was able to mask the memory of being torn away from Sarah and London altogether. She would've slept forever if it meant forgetting what sadness felt like. Besides, it was too comfortable to move. Heather thought that if she remained still, it wouldn't be hard to fall back into the land of dreams. Such dreams would've been impossible back at Balham Station. The feathery cloak wrapped around her seemed warmer than before for some reason. At first, she forgot where she was and merely discarded the feeling of being awake. Then she was thrusted back to reality when she heard Chief Vallen's shrill voice cooing at her in a sing-song tone, "Rise and shine, love. It's time to wake up." She let out a tired groan and attempted to open her heavy eyelids. When Heather did so, she expected to be met with his crow-like eyes gazing at her from the other side of the quartz table.

Heather did not expect him to be right beside her, one talon wrapped around her waist while the other rested around her shoulder snugly.

His head was positioned on top of hers, warm breath traveling through her hair, gently brushing against her forehead. For a few moments she saw nothing accept his armored chest along with the excessive feathers that stuck out from his cloak. "Apologies," He quickly said after she let out a small, surprised gasp, "Even with my cloak, you were shivering in your sleep. Forgive me if I frightened you, but I thought it would be best if I came a little closer to keep you warm. That and well... I just couldn't help myself. You're just so soft, just like a rose. An absolute rose." Chief Vallen adjusted himself so that he could look her in the eye. And while he did loosen his grip for her comfort, Heather noticed that he had also stayed true to his word.

Her hands were no longer tied.

She must've looked suspicious or untrustworthy when she realized she was freed because Chief Vallen was quick to shut down any thoughts of escape.

"We've reached my palace on the edge of the plains where the mountains meet with the hills." His description felt rather vague.

"The Crimson mountains?" Heather questioned, newfound hope clouding her voice. Rob mentioned before that the mountains were Youngest's realm. If they were close, then maybe she was too, Heather thought. The brief feeling of luck was washed away, however. Vallen only laughed manically at her naïve gaze and replied, "They were the Crimson Mountains."

When he said that, the hope in her chest suddenly froze. What did he mean by that?! Was Youngest already dead or transformed like the rest of them? No, Heather thought, He'd say anything to keep me from fulfilling my promise. He's a liar. Nevertheless, Chief Vallen went on to explain, "Anyway, there's about ten thousand Harmony Hushers stationed inside and out, so if I were you, I wouldn't try anything as silly as running away. Oh, but we'll talk more about such matters over dinner, alright love?" His words made her feel embarrassed.

He then shifted so that he could sit up straighter. Heather wasn't expecting it, but as soon as he got the chance, he leaned in and placed a small kiss on her cheek. The action caused her eyes to widen and her heartbeat to escalate. His playful expression turned into a small smirk when he saw how red her face had become. The forwardness of it all was overwhelming. It reminded her of when she first saw him back at home as nothing but a sly raven, smiling ever so eerily back at her exhausted face. Heather didn't know what to make of the gesture. She hadn't been kissed on the cheek since she was a little girl, so much so that the brief feeling of it was completely new. As she felt him shift again, she realized he was about to stand up and open the palanquin door. Nonetheless, she tried to fill the empty silence, "A-Aren't you going to tie me up again?" The question was more daring than expectant.

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