Meyer University

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 Hey  guys! I decided I would do a new story since my "New Moon Comeback" one didn't work so I hope you really enjoy this one. Please give me some ideas for this story so I can keep updating and not running out of ideas. Please don't judge me on my grammer and spelling because I am not very good.  Also, everyone is human in my story. A bit different, I know! Now on with the show! Love it! Hate it! Just Enjoy it!


Alicecullen000 <3

Bella POV

Chapter 1

Bella Swan is my name and this was my university expierience!

I stared at the several buildings that were known as Meyer University.  I sighed and looked down at what I was wearing.I was wearing black booty shorts with a gold buckled belt. My navy tank top stuck to my chest. I had shrugged on a cute black leather jacket coming at an end at a few inches above my belly button. It had a gold star on the collar. My jacket was open considering it was a hot day today.  I had slipped on navy flats with gold buckles on them. Mascara and eyeliner were on my chocolate brown eyes. I had added a bit of gold shadow to my eyelids to make my self look a bit good. Clear gloss was upon my naturally red, plump lips. My brown hair was pulled into a side ponytail with a navy headband keeping my bangs and ponytail apart. Now back to Meyer University!

I swiftly parked into a parking space right in front of the main building. Once I locked and got out of my beautiful black ferrari, I strolled up to the main door. A cheery woman wearing a grey sweater dress with a black belt welcomed me. 

"Hello dear! My name is Ms. Cope! What can I help you with?" she quizzed. She brushed a lock of straight red hair behind her ear while giving me an enormous smile. I knew I was going to like her. I always liked people that were bubbly.

"Hi! I'm Bella Swan. I was hoping you would have my dorm number and key. Also, would you please tell me the name of my roomates?" I said getting worked up. What if my roomates were the bitchy type? Or emo? I shivered just thinking of all the possibilities! Ms. Cope's eyebrows knitted together.

"Of course, cupcake! Let's see! Your dorm is in building 4, floor 3, and room 7. Your roomates will be Alice Brandon and Rosalie Hale.  And here, of course, is your key!" she exclaimed. I hoped Alice and Rosalie were nice! Anyways, I gave Ms. Cope a timid smile. 

"Thank you Ms.Cope! I hope you have a good day!" I chirruped. I wanted to get to my room as soon as possible.

"Alright dear, your welcome! Have a nice day!" Ms.Cope called as I skipped through the main door. I walked in the blinding sun. My hands shook as I neared building 4. Would I like my roomates. Would they like me? I sighed quietly.  I slowly entered the building.

The main floor was great! It's theme was cream and black. Cream beanbag chairs littered the black carpet. On the right wall were three cream desks. accompinied by a black HP computer and a black leather computer chair. A large bookcase sat beside the three . On the left wall was a small kitchen. It had a small black fridge and cream counters. All the appliences were black and stain-less steel. The black elevator was right across from the front door. It had "Elevator" printed elegantly on the doors.The whole room was perfect! The room though had teenagers crawling in it. I struggled to get to the elevator. Once I did, the doors opened atomaticly. I stepped in, saw I was alone and pressed the button for floor 3. The elevator ride was smooth, not bumpy at all. The doors opened to reveal an empty white hallway. Black leather couches sat against the left wall. I searched for room 7 and finally found it. The door was black with "Room 7" ingraved on it in gold. My hands shook rapidly. This was it. I took a deep breath and placed my hand on the gold doornod. I slowly opened the door to reveal .   .   .

Sooo that was chapter one!

Do you like it?

I hope you do!

Of course to update again, I need you guys to do some thing for me.

I want 3 comments and 3 votes for this chapter and you will get chapter two!


Buh bye!


Alicecullen000 <3

Meyer UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now