Cockwarming (Smut)

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I woke up to Gaege (juicy) already up and editing. He has expressed to me multiple times that his work is important and that he needs makes the deadline to upload videos on time and he feels lazy and like shit lately. I don't mind it but I just feel like we never really see each other anymore. I walked into the kitchen. The tile was cold under my nike socks that go above my ankles. The kitchen was bare. Nothing but a half full coffee pot and cold counter tops. I could tell Gaege was already editing one of his videos by the constant clicking and casual curse he let out. I sat on the counter and laid back. Even the counter was cold under my bare thighs. I sleep odd. At least that's what I've been told. I tend to be quite a heavy sleeper but one that moves a lot. I'm also very particular about how I sleep. Freezing. When I go to sleep I have a fan directly in front my face and in a over sized T-shirt with no shorts/pants. No I don't sleep with socks on. I didn't realize but I had been sitting there for around 45 minutes just thinking. I tend to do that a lot. I heard Gaege's office door slowly creek open as he found me sitting on the counter swinging my legs. 

"Goodmorning princess." He said coming over and kissing my forehead. I nodded and closed my eyes. I wanted more.


"Yes love?" He asked pouring another cup of cold coffee.

"Can't you take the day off?"

"I wish I could but I have to get this video out by tomorrow." He slowly walked back to his office and closed the door behind him.

"Love you too...." I mumbled shuffling back in to the room. I lay on my side watching tiktok when some how I came across a...interesting one. It gave me an idea. I got up and walked in to the bathroom. Brushed and straightened my hair. Brush my teeth and walk out. I slowly opened Gaege's office door to find him editing a game play he filmed the other day for his youtube. I slowly snake my arms around his neck causing him to jump.

"You scared the shit out of my y/n." He said panting just a bit.

"Sorry..." I mumbled burying my head into his neck.

"It's okay love." He continued to edit his video when my plan started to fall into place. I waited around 2 minutes before laying soft kisses on his neck. I could tell he wasn't expecting that by the way it made the hairs on the back of his neck rise.

"Y/n." He said sort of breathless.

"yes?" I ask pausing for only moment.

"I'm," he cleared his throat which sent vibration through my lips,"trying to work"

"I know. I'm bored though." I continue. He gently turned his chair to face me. He pulled me closer by my waist which sent me leaning down to the point where we were face to face. He dodged my lips and whispered into my ear.

"I. Am. Working. Love." He spun his chair back around to his monitor leaving me standing there. A familiar sensation arose in my core making me shiver.

"Fine." I slowly began to walk out.

"Wait." Geage snapped. He patted his lap and I happily sat down. I wrapped my arms around his neck and took in the moment. 

"Cockwarming." I whispered in to his ear. I cleared his throat.

"Co- what?!" He said.

"Cockwarming. We don't have to do anything just let me feel you." I whispered into his ear. I could tell that really got to him. He thought about my tempting offer. He patted my high signaling me to get down. He pulled down his grey sweats and boxers just enough to expose his large semi-hard member. He motioned for me to get back on and the final stage of my plan was finally in motion. I pulled my underware to the side slowly sinking down on him. A small moan escaped both of our lips. 

I sat there resisting the urge of moving my hips at inhumane speeds. I needed movement. And fast at that.  I adjusted my self in effort to get 'comfortable.' Gaege twitched inside me and took his free hand and grasped my hips. His cold hand  made me gasp. 

"Stop. Moving." He said. His voice is so smooth and just makes me need him more. 

The only sound keeping me sane right now is the sound of his mouse clicking. I was thinking, I know shocker, but this is the first time I've really felt Gaege like this in a while. I started kissing his neck. I clenched around him once. Twice. Three times.

"y-y/n, I said stop." He slightly threw his head back. Four times. All in one movement he bent me over his desk and slammed into me.

"You wanted my attention? Fine now you have it." He pounded into me for a second time. Third. Fourth. We were both in paradise. It felt so so good to do it with Geage. Nine. Ten. I tightened around him signalling that I was close. His member twitched signaling he was close too. We both finished around the same time. We both stayed like that for a moment to ride out our highs. He slowly pulled out and pulled is boxers back up. I walked out to go to the bathroom and clean myself. 

Once I was clean, I made my way back to Geage's office but he wasn't there. I checked everywhere but the only place left was our room. I walked in to find him laying down so I crawled up next to him.

"I love you princess." He said cuddling up to my chest.

"I love you too." I said while playing with his hair. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.



Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Tell what you want next, fluff or smut?Word count: 995<3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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