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⪻ 3rd POV ⪼

venti's wings twitched nervously at the thought of going to a new school, but he had to deal with it. they wouldn't care if he even asked politely, since they thought it was for him. just because they also had wings. 

he sighed when he heard his parents call him down, venti didn't wanna get in trouble so she went down and put a fake smile at them. 

his mom eyes narrowed at him, she smiled. " ven, your going to the school tomorrow. go get ready for bed now. " venti nodded and headed up stairs. 

xiao was furious when his wings of stuck in the middle of the desk, again. his gray wings struggled to get out so he just tried his best to get it out. 

eventually hutao saw and laughed but then helped him. 

" you owe me! " hutao said with a grin. of course xiao didn't care and just ignored her. his wings ached pretty badly so he didn't want to deal with hutao's joking tone. 

" well gotta go! cause it's monday tomorrow. shame.. see you! " hutao smiled, she said goodbye to his parents and ran out the door. 


venti's mom smiled and turned on the lights in his room, " darling venti! get up and get ready for your new school. " venti sat up, rubbing his eyes. " alright.. " he mumbled. 

venti got ready wearing a hat with an green cecilia sticker shirt and just ripped jeans. he went down stairs, ate his food, put on his favorite shoes that's obviously green and black. 

his wings twitched while he waved goodbye, venti headed out the door and flew to the school since who needs buses when you have wings? 


people whispered to one from to another, xiao was confused. has an rumor spread out by yae and raiden/ei or what? he went by his buddy, hutao. " why is everyone whispering? " he asked, she looked shock. 

" do you not know?!! there's a new student! " , xiao didn't look shocked at all. he just shrugged, " so? "

" i heard the new student parents are famous singers! " hutao eyes looked like her eyes were sparkling. " okay. cool. what did the new student sing before? " xiao wasn't as excited still, " well.. he sang 505, sweather weather, washing machine heart, and nobody! " she smiled. 

" ok, cool? " he replied which made hutao frown. 


venti walked in class A7 with his wings following him, which made him look like he was an angel that fell from earth. ( probably is ) 

everybody glared at him, which made venti nervous. it caused his wings to flicker but then he introduced himself, " hello! im venti and uh i hope we all can be friends. " he smiled softly. 

" hmm, you can sit near the window. " the teacher announced, he nodded. venti went by the window, right next to xiao. 

for a second, venti heard scaramouche mumble something under his breath. he shrugged it off since nobody could talk bad about him. what was something bad he has ever did? 

venti brushed his wings down to make sure he isn't hitting anyone since that kinda happened before. he saw yae whispering something to ei but then, " may i go to the bathroom? " yae asked with an angelic smile. the teacher obviously said yes, they both headed out the door giggling and whispering. 

xiao wrote down a note of 'hi.' and slid it over to venti. venti wings fluttered a bit and he took it, writing back with a friendly 'hi! :]' then he slid it back. the whole class time, they passed notes to each other learning about each other. 


the bell rang so everyone headed out, venti decided to go to an quiet bench area and practice his small lyre harp. he tried to make it sound like the beginning of washing machine heart which worked pretty well! his wings fluttered. 


it was now time to go home, venti beat his wings and flew home. his mind was just xiao, how weird considering he's 'straight' and xiao is as well! venti shrugged it off. 


thanks for reading this chapter! :]

make sure to be hydrated and eat! <3 

see you guys in the next chapter!! 

words: 729

* ━━━━━━ ◦ Wings In The Sky, XIAOVEN MODERN AU◦ ━━━━━━ *Where stories live. Discover now