Chapter Zero

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"Eevee won't cause any trouble! I promise!"

In a sign of agreement, Eevee nodded.

"It's not a matter of if your Eevee will behave or not. If the other students saw your Eevee being able to freely roam, they would start asking the same. You can bring Eevee to school if you keep it in its Pokeball, otherwise, leave it at home."

"But the Battle class I'm in requires six Pokemon! And I don't have any other Pokemon! Besides, I can't put Eevee in her Pokeball! She hates it and I'm not about to force her out of her comfort zone!"

Eevee, who had been in my arms, moved to my shoulder and nuzzled my cheek.

"Take a different battle class then. We have battle classes for people with all kinds of different amounts of Pokemon."

"That's not an option! I worked my butt off to get into Advanced Honors Battling!" That was a lie, not that Mr. Josephine, the Principal, needed to know that. "And here I thought you'd know that Pokemon are our best friends more than anyone!" I paused, remembering the rivalry between this school and Southwest. "If you don't accept Eevee and I, we could always go to Southwest instead. Knowing you denied us would probably make them extremely willing to accept us."

"I suppose we could work something out. You'd have to be willing to take responsibility for your Eevee's actions, however." Mr. Josephine agreed.

I nodded, agreeing, "Thank you so much!"

"VeeVee!" Eevee cheered.

Following this agreement, we quickly planned another meeting before Eevee and I left his office, heading outside. There, my mother was waiting in her car. Opening the passenger car door, I got in. After sitting, Eevee hopped into my lap.

"How'd it go?" Mom questioned, curious.

"We're going to Northeast!" I cheered, Eevee doing similarly so.

Mom smiled before I swapped topics, ranting about how Voltorb used to look different and be a grass type. It was a lot friendlier too.


Once walking into the house, Mom's partner, an Eevee named Daisy, jumped at her. Mom's Chimchar, Petunia, was also in the living room, but was much more chill than Daisy and slowly approached Mom. It was a bit surprising that Mom's Herdier, Bo, and Poochyena, Luke, weren't also in the room. However, on my way to my room, I noticed that they were in the kitchen. Tulip, Mom's Kangaskhan, and Orchid, Mom's Nidoqueen, mostly lived outside, alongside Dad's Pokemon.

Dad, for his part, owns eight Pokemon. His partner is his Torterra. He also has a Nidoking, Rampardos, Sirfetch'd, Swellow, Raichu, Octillery, and Pangoro. All of his Pokemon tend to live outside, mostly due to most of their sizes. My Pokemon, on the other hand, were small enough to live in the house with us.

As I opened the door to my room, Popplio, my "official" starter, looked over first, and seeing that it was Eevee and I, made her way over to us, my other team members following. I made my way to the middle of my room, after shutting my door, and sat down, Eevee bouncing off my head to join the others. 

While I would usually have the rest of my team with me anytime I went somewhere, they decided to stay home while Eevee and I went to convince the Northeast Principal to allow Eevee to be out of her Pokeball during school hours. I only have six Pokemon, but unless other Pokemon decide to join me, that's all I need.

First and foremost, there's Eevee, my number 1. She's a bit of a brat, but always means well. She's extremely curious and loves learning, not too far off from me. However, unlike me, she's a bit outgoing and loves taking risks and trying new things. Eevee and I tend to get a bit anxious when separated, and this anxiety only accelerates the longer we've been apart.

Next, there's Riolu. He's a tad overprotective, but also quite soft. Even with his softer side, he's quick to anger, and has almost attacked my brother and dad on multiple occasions. He also sometimes gets jealous of Eevee. He can be extremely competitive at times, but is often quite child-like in private.

Popplio may be a bit of a show off at times, but is usually only trying to make others happy or cheer them up after a bad day. Occasionally, she can be a bit of a mother hen, especially towards Cyndaquil, but is usually more on the relaxed side. She loves giving others encouragement as well.

Cyndaquil, on the other hand, is timid, extremely so. He's even more timid than me, which is an accomplishment in itself. He's also quite untrusting of others. Based on what the school told me, it was a miracle that I was even able to get Cyndaquil to trust me. When exclusively around those he trusts, he's a bit of a prankster, doing things that would seem out of character to an outsider. Despite this, he's extremely clingy and affectionate towards me, while still remaining distant from others.

Bulbasaur tends to get anxious about things. She's also quite timid, although nowhere near as much as Cyndaquil. At times, she can get a bit controlling, but usually only when she's found something to be a perfectionist over. Despite her timidness, she's rather headstrong and stubborn.

Finally, there's my Buneary, Cinnamon Bun. He is the mom friend, packing even more stuff into my already full jacket pockets because someone on the team might need it. He also makes sure we have everything we need before we leave. He's an all around absolute sweetheart.

As my team gathered, I noticed that Cinnamon Bun had something in his hands. As soon he reached me, he handed me it. It was a crocheted version of himself. I smiled at him as I moved to sit it with the rest of the team's crocheted versions, all of which he's made.

"You've made the whole team now!" I smiled at him.

"EaryBun!" He exclaimed.

"Everyone, Eevee and I have good news. We're going to Northeast!" I shared.

I smiled as my team cheered.

After they had calmed down, I asked, "So what do you guys wanna do?"


And that's a wrap on chapter zero. There'll be a year and a half time skip between this chapter and chapter one, and that's just because my Freshman year was covid year and I don't really remember it or the first half of sophmore year, so we're just gonna start at the second half of sophomore year. There might end up being a couple of flashbacks to earlier stuff, but for the most part, it's the second half of sophomore year forward. Don't expect Chapter 1 anytime soon though. Thanks for reading!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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