I-I think I love you

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"Nico!" You yelled out as you knocked on the Hades' cabin door. "what?" A tired and annoyed sounding voice replied from the inside. "We were supposed to spend all day together but if you're too tired..." You said and started to walk away.
"Wait! Don't leave!"
You turned around, looking at Nico. "Do you realize that you're in only your boxers?" You said, although you weren't complaining. "Oh gods!" He yelled then slammed the door. The next time he came out he was wearing a black t-shirt with a skull on it and black jeans.
"So... What do you want to do?" He asked,
"I was thinking that we could watch some movies." I replied.
For the rest of the day you and Nico watched movies, all types of movies- comedy, action, adventure, all of them. When the movie "Parental guidance" was over, both of you were laughing very hard. When both of you were done laughing you looked at him and he looked at you. "Y-Y/N, I have something that I need to tell you... I...umm.. Oh screw it-" Nico leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. You were taken by surprise but quickly kissed back. When he broke away he looked at you and said "Y/N, I've been meaning to tell you but I've always been too scared to. I-I think I love you." "I love you too, Nico." You had never felt more happy in your life.
Sorry if their are any typos! I hope you like it!- M

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