Part 1

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One sunny day, two girls were wandering through the woods of Redwood National Park. One girl, Phoebe was a 21 year old woman with short brown hair, a thin frame, and was somewhat short. She was usually very quiet and reserved. The other girl, Laurel, was also 21 years old. She was a taller woman with long blond hair, large perky breasts, and an otherwise thin frame. Unlike Phoebe, she was more energetic, and while this might contrast with Phoebe's introverted nature, their personalities mixed well with each other.

"Hey, Laurel?" Phoebe said. "Yeah, what is it?" Laurel said. "I really hate to say it, but I think I might have gotten us lost." Phoebe said. "Wait, WHAT?!" Laurel shouted. "Well, I just... *Sigh* I think we might be lost because according to my map, there should be a fork in the road where we are right now, but all I see is one straight path." Phoebe explained. "Well, what should we do then? Should we turn back?" Laurel asked. "I think we should be okay, we're still on a man made path, so as long as we stick to it, we should be okay." Phoebe said. "If you say so." Laurel said.

So Phoebe and Laurel continued on the path they saw in front of them, not knowing what awaited them in that forest of enormous trees. A few hours had passed and despite being lost, exhausted and hungry, Phoebe kept on insisting to Laurel that they would reach the end soon. "We're almost there, I think." Phoebe said. "You said that thirty minutes ago, can't you just admit that we're *HUFF* seriously lost?" Laurel retorted. "I have a better question, what's with all this fog? It's so dense." Phoebe said. She had a point. The girls suddenly found themselves surrounded by eerie fog, which started to obscure their vision of everything but each other. Still they pressed on.

Another hour had passed and by this time, both girls were starving and could barely see a thing. "Oh god! When is this gonna end?" Laurel asked. "I don't know, but I could really go for a chocolate bar right now." Phoebe said. "Hey what's that up ahead?" Laurel asked. Both of them looked ahead and saw what appeared to be a cabin through the fog. "Oh, maybe it's a ranger's cabin. Maybe we can get some help!" Phoebe exclaimed. "Well, let's go! I'm so starving!" Laurel moaned. Both girls dashed towards the figure of the cabin. As they approached, their vision of it became clearer until they finally reached it. "Wait...what is this?" Laurel asked.

In front of them was indeed a cabin, but it was unlike any other cabin that they had seen. It wasn't made of wood, but rather some kind of brown stone. The edges of the walls and roof were coated with a line of what looked like white sealing, and the windows were oddly thin looking and slightly off color. It also smelled of cinnamon and frosting. The girls' stomachs rumbled as they took in the smell. "Who cares what kind of cabin this is? We need to get inside and ask for help." Phoebe said. Phoebe found the door of the cabin and grabbed the doorknob. "What the? The doorknob is sticky." Phoebe said. She pulled her hand back and noticed that her hand was sticky. "What's up with this place?" Laurel asked. Phoebe smelled her hand and then licked the sticky substance on her hand. "Ew! What are you doing?" Laurel asked. Phoebe's taste buds reacted from the sticky hand, she realized that the doorknob was made of caramel! "Laurel, I think this house is made of candy!" Phoebe said. Their stomachs rumbled more from the idea of candy. "Well, I mean, we can't just eat someone's house, can we?" Laurel asked. "Well no, but that means they might have something to eat. But more importantly, it means that they should be able to help us get out of here." Phoebe explained.
Phoebe started knocking on the door, meanwhile Laurel was feeling out the house, trying to confirm if what Phoebe claimed was true. She felt out the white sealing and accidentally broke off a bit. "Whoops! Well, no sense in wasting it if it's edible." Laurel thought to herself. She bit into the broken bit of sealing, which turned out to be frosting! Suddenly Laurel's face shuddered with delight. "Oh my god! It's so good! I forgot how delicious frosting is!" Laurel exclaimed. Little did Laurel know that the frosting, despite being used for sealing purposes, was incredibly fattening. Her flat stomach became just a little taught. "I just said don't eat anything!" Phoebe said. "I'm sorry, but it was SOOO good!" Laurel said. After enough knocking, the door was finally opened by someone inside. "Oh hi there! Who are you two?" the figure asked. "Oh, uh hi! I'm Phoebe and that's Laurel..." Phoebe said as she saw Laurel eat another chunk of frosting. "Sorry about that..." Phoebe said. "Oh that? I reseal the walls everyday. It's fine. Anyway, I'm Julia!" the figure said. Julia was an average sized woman with long purple hair. She wore a small black dress with black leggings and a weird looking black hat. She had some voluptuous curves, including decent sized breasts and a smooth curved ass.

"It's nice to meet you Julia. So anyway, we're a little lost and we've been wandering in the park for hours. Could we trouble you for your phone and possibly something to eat?" Phoebe asked passively. "Of course! You two come in, and I'll prepare something for you two to eat." Julia said happily. "Oh thank you so much! Laurel, come on over!" Phoebe said. Laurel walked over to Phoebe and they both entered the house. As they entered, the smell of sweets intensified and ran up their noses, thus causing their stomachs to grumble more. To their right was a large dining room that connected to the kitchen. To their left was a living room that was adjacent to the laundry room and first floor bathrooms. And directly in front of them was a staircase that led to the second floor of the house. "Just head over to the dining room and I'll bring over something for you to eat." Julia said before walking off to the kitchen.

Phoebe and Laurel walked into the dining room, which had an oval shaped, teal colored dining table surrounded by several reinforced steel chairs. They both sat down in slight anticipation of whatever Julia would choose to serve them. "Hey Laurel, is it just me, or is this house somewhat bigger on the inside than the outside?" Phoebe asked. "Either that or she knows how to use her space." Laurel said. Within a mere couple minutes, Julia came into the dining room with a few plates of food in her arms. "Okay, here we go. I got plates for both of you. So Phoebe, for you I have some chocolate chip cookies and donuts" Julia said as she placed a plate stacked with chocolate chip cookies and another stacked with glazed donuts. "And for you Laurel, I have some cupcakes and some frosted cookies." Julia said. "Uh, this is quite a bit of food. Are you sure that it's okay to give us this much?" Phoebe asked. "Absolutely! Please eat up! And if you need anything more, please let me know. Ok?" Julia said. "Okay, but we still need to use your phone once we're done." Phoebe said. "Okay, just ask me for it as soon as you're done." Julia said.

Phoebe and Laurel grabbed a cookie from each of their respective dishes. They each took a bite from their respective cookies. Suddenly they both felt strange. The images of gummy candy, pastries, chocolate, and other desserts flashed in their eyes. It flashed over and over and over until the flavor of that first bite finally dissipated and their irises turned from their natural eye color to a dark pink. Suddenly they both started shoving cookies in their mouths. "Mmm cookies..." Phoebe said mindlessly as she shoved two in her mouth at once. Laurel was shoving three at a time in her mouth, just as mindlessly. "The frosting is so good! I could eat it forever!" Laurel exclaimed. Like the frosting outside, the cookies were incredibly fattening. With each cookie that the two tranced girls ate, their bodies began to puff out bit by bit. Phoebe's stomach was beginning to push out with each cookie she took in, causing her outfit to feel more and more snug with each inch she put on herself. Laurel was getter bigger too, but she seemed to be getting more fat sent to her breasts and thighs. Her leggings and top were expanding with her, trying to contain her newly acquired features.

Soon Phoebe and Laurel had both finished their entire plate of cookies and were moving onto their donuts and cupcakes respectively. Phoebe pushed in each donut whole, savoring the overwhelming taste of the donut before swallowing and moving onto the next one. "It's like the donuts are calling to me, begging me to take them in! *MUNCH*" Phoebe said. "Same *STUFF* here. These cupcakes *MUNCH* need to get in *GULP* me!" Laurel exclaimed. With each bite they took, Phoebe and Laurel lost more of their sanity and only gained a desire to eat more as the images of sweets kept playing in their minds over and over, paying no mind whatsoever to how it was affecting their bodies as they continued to swell.

Eventually, all the plates were empty and Phoebe and Laurel sat back and patted their swollen bellies. "*BURRP* That was a good snack, but I'm still so hungry." Laurel moaned. "Same, I need more. I hope Julia comes back with more. She's been so kind to us to give us food that good." Phoebe said. Phoebe had put on quite a bit of weight from that one "little snack", she had a small pot belly that rested in front of her, her face was slightly rounder and her arms were squishier than they were before. Laurel's chest had grown quite a bit and was starting to seriously put some strain on her top. Her thighs had also widened and was beginning to tear up her leggings. Neither of them were that fat by any means, but they weighed significantly more than they did previously.

Julia came into the room with a few more plates of sweets in one hand and an old fashioned looking landline in the other. For some reason, her chest seemed slightly larger than it was earlier. "Oh, done already? You girls must have been hungry." Julia said. "We were, and still are!" Laurel exclaimed. "Well, fortunately for you two, I prepared some more snacks. Oh, and did you want to call someone?" Julia said while holding out her landline. "Don't bother. We don't need it. We're happy to stay here. Just please give us more to eat..." Phoebe said in a trance. "Well, okay! I suppose I can let you two stay here for awhile." Julia said with a smirk on her face. "In the meantime, here's another snack." Julia said. She placed plates stacked with cakes, pies, eclairs, cupcakes, cookies and chocolates all around the table. She also placed a bowl of frosting in front of Laurel. "Here you go. I heard from the kitchen that you enjoyed my frosting Laurel, so I decided to let you have a bowl for yourself. "Thank you so much Julia!" Laurel exclaimed before reaching for the feast in front of her. "Thank you for feeding us Julia!" Phoebe exclaimed before doing the same. Julia gave a pleasant smile as she watched Phoebe and Laurel gorge on her food.

Phoebe and Laurel were stuffing sweets into their maws like there was no tomorrow. They ate in no particular order and with no composure. Phoebe would stuff cookies inside of a slice of cake before forcing the entire slice into her maw. Laurel kept guzzling frosting down while also forcing in slices of chocolate pie. As a result, they quickly got bits of frosting and crumbs all over themselves, especially Laurel, who kept shoving large handfuls of frosting in her maw between sweets. "Have you *BURRP* tried the chocolate cakes? They're SOOO good" Laurel moaned as she forced a slice of cake into her mouth. "No, I haven't yet. I've been too distracted by all these delectable cookies." Phoebe moaned with a mouthful of cookie dough and chocolate. "It was very *GUZZLE* nice of Julia to leave me with this bowl of HEAVENLY frosting *GULP*" Laurel said as she forced another glob of frosting in her maw. As they ate more and more, their bodies expanded more, and at a faster pace than earlier. Laurel's breasts and thighs were seriously straining all ends of her outfit as it desperately struggled to hold her growing features in. Phoebe's belly was filling out more and more and had now developed into a small double belly. In addition, her arms and back now started to puff out more and more with cellulite.

What started as mere minutes turned into hours of gorging on sweets. Curiously, Julia never had to come back out to give them more sweets. Instead, once a plate of sweets was eaten, it would just refill with bigger sweets than before, almost as if by magic. Even Laurel's bowl of frosting refilled itself and increased in size when Laurel managed to empty it out. Phoebe and Laurel paid little mind to this. Their tranced state kept them dead set on eating more sweets and little else. By now the sweets they were eating were massive, even the cookies were the size of frisbees. "*BORRP* It's still so good!" Laurel moaned with a mouthful of frosting and cake. "Yes! We are *MUNCH* truly blessed that Julia *GUZZLE* feeds us this well!" Phoebe moaned before burying her face in a massive key lime pie. Laurel's mass had destroyed most of her outfit. She now sat at the table in her underwear completely drenched in frosting. Her breasts have expanded to fill out more space than her bra can handle, causing most of her cellulite filled mammaries to wrap around the cups. Phoebe had also outgrown her clothes and looked like a large ball of fat. Her belly kept expanding into a decent sized double belly. Additionally, her back fat has developed rolls of their own that were so thick that some of them were caught inside some of the empty space of the chair she sat on.

"Okay girls. It's getting kinda late, and I'm getting tired." Julia said as she came into the dining room. Her chest and ass were even more defined in her outfit than before. Her breasts were much larger but still remained perky in her top. She snapped her fingers and the food disappeared. "Thank you for the food Julia!" Phoebe and Laurel both huffed in sync. "I see you two have grown a bit from food. That's to be expected since I enchanted it with my magic." Julia said with a wink. "No wonder it was like tasting heaven!" Laurel exclaimed. "Yeah seriously, it was SOOO good! You're truly amazing to be able to do that." Phoebe said. "Well, thank you! It's been a while since I've gotten such praise." Julia said. "Anyway, you two should rest, you've had a long day today, and you'll have a longer one tomorrow. Let me take you upstairs and show you two to my guest bedrooms." Julia said with a smile. "Thank you Julia!" Phoebe and Laurel said in sync again.

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