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I walk down stairs and to go get Ellie to see her play room, "Ellie baby mommy has something to show you!" I say walking over to her. "But mama uncle finnus was going to but on frozen" she said looking sad "you can watch it after I promise " I say holding out my hand for her to grab and she walks over and we go up to the play room, I tell Ellie to close her eyes and she did I pick her up and I walk in and then tell her to up her eyes. She widen her eyes and smiles and wiggles to get out my rooms. "You like it baby?" "I wov it mommy" as she says while starting to play with her toys and I smile.

A few hours later.
Ellie is having a nap and I'm making supper, mom is going to get Ellie when she wakes up so I can still cook supper. "Billie Ellie is crying what do you want me to do when I get her?" Mom says walking over to the stairs "change her nappy and give her a pacifier" I say with a warm smile.

Ellie's pov:
I woke up from my nap and started crying for mama but she didn't come but nanny did. "Nana up " I say with grabby hands and she picks my up and puts my on my changing table, and changes my nappy. I'm still tired and I just wanna cuddle as she was done she gave me my pacifier and bunny and picked my up so I wrapped my arms around her and rested my head on her shoulder. "Still tired little bug?" Nanny says while walking down stairs and I just shake my head. Nanny sat on the couch and I stayed in her arms I here mommy yelling "shut shit shit shit FUCK!" Nanny got up and walked to the kitchen.

Billies pov:
I'm making food for the family, I can't cook I can only bake. I smell something burning. I look in the oven and the whole meal is burnt. "shit shit shit shit FUCK" I yell and hear mom coming to the kitchen with Elle. " Billie what- woah what did you do?!" Said Maggie confused. " I was trying to cook dinner for us and I fucked it up! How am I supposed to be a mom and not be able to cook ?! We don't have you and dad forever, and finneas is going to move out. Ellie and I are going to strive to death!" I say breaking down. " Bil calm down me and dad aren't going to die any time soon and yeah fin might move out to have his own family, your a good mom! You are so good I promise you Ellie is really happy." Mom said wipping my tears and pulling me into a hug. "Thanks mom." I sniff. "Mommy crying?" Ellie said. "Mommy is fine baby don't worry" I say smiling grabbing Ellie from my mom. "Mom what are we going to do for dinner I burnt this" I stay throwing it away. "We'll just have to go out for dinner". Mom said with a smile, I knew she was up to something. "bil we actually have dinner renovations at a place.. fin and Claudia Are meeting us there." Mom said with a big smile and my face dropped. "Shouldve told me that" I say with and attitude. I walk up stairs to Ellie's room to get her changed, I changed her nappy and changed her into this.

"Okay your ready princess?" I say putting Ellie on my hip when I'm walking down the stairs

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"Okay your ready princess?" I say putting Ellie on my hip when I'm walking down the stairs. "Yup already mommy". I put on my shoes grab my bag and Ellie's nappy bag and head to moms care, I put Ellie in her car seat give her, her bunny and put the nappy bag beside her and I get in the back with her and mom started to drive to the restaurant.

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