Chubby Crybaby - Hyunwoo (Shownu) f/m

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Hyunwoo gives a stiff smile at the cashier and I cringe the whole time. Being an adult had its fun moments but paying for three Plan B packs was two types of embarrassing. I know I'm so much more but right now, I feel like nothing more than the fat girlfriend. How else can I feel knowing it takes three Plan B pills to get the job done? Hyunwoo, of course, doesn't care- about what we're purchasing or how many I need to make sure I don't make him a dad. He swipes his card and wishes the cashier well. I wish that I had his confidence.

Outside in the cold New York City air, I huddle close to Hyunwoo, "How are you so comfortable with that? Maybe I should just get an IUD." I say quietly. "You said you were scared to." Hyunwoo replies. He pulls me closer to him and quickens his pace. The night air is brisk and the wind blows steadily. We round a corner and quickly make our way back to his apartment building. I'm also the broke girlfriend. I'm the girlfriend who graduated a few years ago and still lives with her parents. Hyunwoo has been trying to convince me to move into his oh so luxurious penthouse. I don't like the idea of being a mooch so I say no even though I really wanna give in.

He takes my coat from me and hangs it up. After kicking off my boots and pushing them to the side, I look over at Hyunwoo and smile, "Should I meet you in the bedroom?" I ask him. "No... I need to talk to you for a minute. Come on. I'll make some tea." Hyunwoo says. His brow is furrowed and I know I've done something to upset him. I follow him into the kitchen and we wash the outside germs off of our hands then I sit at the island counter. He puts the kettle to boil and leans on the island counter and looks across at me. "What's this issue with the Plan B? You keep going back and forth and I need to know where your head is at." Hyunwoo is three years my senior and sometimes it feels like the age gap is much larger. "Buying three pills is expensive and embarrassing." I say timidly. My family was never the type of family to talk things out. I'm the child, my parents are the all knowing sages, and when my feelings were too much; I had to just get over it and move on. Even now at my big age of twenty-six, they reduce me down to a child. Hyunwoo likes talking things out. He's communicative and is not afraid to express his discomfort or call people out for the sake of his own sanity. "You shouldn't worry about the expenses, y/n. I've told you this. Two hundred dollars is nothing for me. I get that it's a lot for you but I told you that when you're with me, it's my job to take care of you. Please don't take this the wrong way but I make more in a week than you do in a month so I'm not gonna ask you to foot half the bill for anything. That's just ridiculous." He's very calm and I have to keep reminding myself that Hyunwoo isn't argumentative or manipulative and this is a totally regular conversation for him that won't turn into an argument. He's peacefully confrontational because he likes solutions. He's my safe space.

"But two hundred bucks is a lot of money for me considering one pill isn't enough to prevent a pregnancy... I don't like it sometimes." I gently scratch my nails against the counter and sigh. He comes around the counter and looks down at me, "Look... you're not comfortable with getting an IUD yet so this is how it is. If you wanna go back to condoms, we can. I need you to be happy with whatever choice you make." Hyunwoo says. He smiles devilishly and kisses me, "I could survive without cuming inside you for a while. You know I'm a patient man." I kiss him hard and he rubs my back soothingly, "I don't love you despite your size and if you lost as much weight as you need to feel content with yourself, I wouldn't love you any more than I do now. I just like you... I don't ever want you to feel like your weight is a downside in our relationship."

I nod and Hyunwoo hugs me. "Would you like green tea or black tea?" He asks and presses his lips to my forehead. "I don't want tea anymore... I want wine please." He moves over to the stove to turn off the kettle then moves to the counter and bends down to open the fancy wine cooler he had built into the lower cabinet, "Red or white?" He asks. "Mmmmm white." I say softly. He nods and takes out a bottle of white wine, "The works?" He says and motions to the refrigerator. "If you don't mind." I reply. I watch Hyunwoo take strawberries, raspberries, and a Capri Sun juice pouch out the fridge. He gets to work cutting a few strawberries and raspberries then opens the wine and the juice pouch. He drops the sliced berries into the glass then fills the glass a quarter of the way with juice then fills it the rest of the way with wine.

"One Princess special for my chubby crybaby." He says with possibly the sweetest smile. Only he has ever been able to call me chubby without making me feel insulted. He's also the only person who can poke my belly without getting cursed out. He pushes the glass over to me and waits eagerly for me to take a drink. I do and sigh, "I wanna know all of your drink recipes. You're the best." I say and down half the glass. "Hey, hey, hey. Slow down." He chuckles. I smile as the warm embrace of wine envelopes my body. It doesn't take much to get me drunk so I quickly finish the glass and stand up. "I need you sober tonight, okay? You know I'm not fucking you if you're drunk." Hyunwoon kisses me slowly and hikes my dress up. I can feel how hard he is and I slowly fall to my knees and look up him. He touches my hair, "I don't wanna ruin the mood but... is your wig on right? I don't wanna pull it off like I did last time." He says and fights a smirk. I giggle, "Yes. I'm good this time just don't pull so hard." I say and undo his jeans. He nods and pushes my hands aside to free himself from his jeans a little bit faster. He strokes himself while he looks down at me, "Do you want it?" He asks almost breathlessly. I nod and he grabs me by my arms and pulls me to my feet, "I want you right here against this counter. You can suck it later. I need to be inside now." He turns me around and pushes me down against the counter. He raises my dress up, "God, I love it when you don't wear panties. It's so much easier to take what's mine. Is this pussy mine? Huh? Tell me it's mine and I'll fuck you like a dirty girl right now." He says as he presses kisses to the side of my face and rubs his dick against me agonizingly slow. "It's yours." I squeak and push back against him desperately. I need to feel him. "What's mine?" He sighs. "This pussy. It's yours, daddy." I moan. He slowly slides into me and I gasp as he fills me. "Fuck." I cry out. "Watch your mouth." He groans and fucks into me harder. My mind melts into TV static and all I can think about is how deep he is inside of me. "God, you feel so good. My good little princess. You love taking my dick like a good little slut, huh? You're my little slut, right y/n?" He traps my arms behind my back and slaps my ass while he pounds me harder. I cry out and move my hips as best as I can in an attenpt to gyrate against him. "Don't be rude. Be a good girl and answer your daddy, okay, princess?" He whispers and snakes a hand around to rub my clit achingly slow. "I'm your slut, daddy. Oh God- I- I love you." I choke out. He rubs me faster, "I love you too, princess. Are you close?" I nod and squeeze my eyes shut. "Cum. It's okay. Cum for daddy " He whispers thickly into my ear. My thighs buckle and he holds me up as he continues fucking me. I feel my stomach tighten and I squeeze my thighs shut as I cum.

Hyunwoo doesn't stop. I cry out and try to push his hand away. He laughs, "I didn't cum yet. You know how this works. If you want me to stop, use the safe word." He pants. I wiggle my hips and try once more to pull his hand away. I don't really want him to but it's almost too much and my legs nearly give out. "Daddy." I whimper over and over again. "Just a bit more, sweetheart. Come on. You can take it. I'm- fuck! I'm so close, baby. You can take it. You can take a little bit more for me, right?" Hyunwoo moans and his hips stutter and suddenly, he's cuming inside of me. I whimper helplesy and he releases my arms from behind my back then pulls me close as he stills himself. My legs finally give out and we both slink down to the floor. The cool tiles chill our bodies and Hyunwoo pulls his jeans back up then looks at me, "You okay?" He asks. His breathing is almost back to normal. I nod. I'm still trembling and he snuggles up next to me. "I'll get the pills... just..  gimme a second." He says. "You don't have to... I mean? If you're ready... we could not take the pills." I say quietly. He smiles, "Well, I never take the pills. You do." He chuckles. "You know what I mean, Hyunwoo... it's a we thing." I say. We stare at each other for a minute. "So... should we give those pills to a friend?" He asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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