This is risky

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Once I told my brother not to bother me, I started to change into my dress,then Maddie put part of my hair in a poof and the other part down. the part of my hair that was down she curled. a lot of hair products later, my hair actually looked pretty good. "ready?" I said looking at myself into the mirror "duh! Tonight is the night we are going to become popular!" Said Maddie squealing a bit to loudly "wow" i said "that was one loud squeal" once we were ready, we went to the back porch "ok all we have to do is hope that when we get in the car your brother doesn't look out the window" said Maddie "hey, my brother being the need he is he probably won't notice us leaving" I said laughing "whatever let's just go" said maddie. all of a sudden it hit me, what I was doing I was sneaking out right when my stepmother was beginning to like me it decide to sneak out, she trusted me, and when she finds out she's gonna a
Hate me. I can't do this, it's to risky. "I can't maddie" I blurted out "you can't what?" We were already getting into the car "I can't do this, it's to risky" I said "oh come on silly we will just go for an hour and then we will become popular and boom, we're leaving"said Maddie as if it were so simple. "ok fine"

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