Time to Go to Work

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      It was early morning when this alarm went off. I groaned pushing myself further into my pillow. I could faintly hear the others, drag themselves and each other out of bed, waking each other up and starting to get ready. I sighed sitting up groggily rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I looked around, seeing Zigzag get up from the cot beside me in just boxers, and tried not to show a reaction.

"Come on sleeping beauty." X-Ray said sarcastically from across the room.
"Don't start." I warned groggily, pulling the blanket back and threw my legs over the side of the bed while I still rubbed my eyes tiredly. I heard someone whistle at me. I glared at the bunch, not sure which one it was, before quickly grabbing my jumpsuit and pulled them on as fast as I could. I stood, pulling them up, ignoring the looks from the others while I did so. So tired!! I sat back down and pulled on my boots, tying them. I finished and stood up, finally looking up. They were almost done and the ones that were done waited by the front of the tent. I walked over as well, sadly ending up beside Zigzag. I felt his intense stare but avoided making eye contact. 

     I finally side glanced him, seeing him smirking before turning away. Soon the rest were done and we made our way outside. I looked around seeing everyone walking, all in one direction. I heard a whistle, but from an actual whistle this time and looked over seeing Mr Sir and Pendanski walking together in the same direction as the boys.

"Smiling faces! Smiling faces! The early mole digs the deepest hole. Shovels on the left, tortillas on the right. Let's go!" Pendanski yelled as we lined up to a small shack with 'Library' written on it. Yeah 'cause this sooo looks like a library.
"Okay come and get it. Let's go! Come on Magnet, open them peepers!" I watched as everyone tiredly made their way, getting a shovel from Mr Sir. I grabbed mine, following behind Zigzag, not particularly knowing where to go. I suddenly ran into someone's back, realizing he had stopped and turned around abruptly. I almost hesitated to look at him as he raised a brow at me.
"Are you following me?" He asked.
"Kinda... I can follow someone else if you want." I asked awkwardly. He gave a short chuckle before shaking his head.
"No, it's fine. You'll get used to how things work here soon enough." He turned around and continued walking, me following behind still but trying not to follow behind so closely. 

    He went up to this table that had a cooking sheet with some slimy looking tortillas soake stacked on it. I noticed a jar beside it, making me think it was honey covered tortillas. What.. in the actual hell.. I thought in confusion. I saw Zigzag grab one and even waited for me to grab one as well. I tilted my head slightly, looking at them weirdly before taking one anyways.
"They're not as bad as they look." He joked.
"No but they messy as hell." I commented as the honey dripped everywhere. He smiled and soon we made our way to.. who knows where. We walked for some time, dropping off the tents before mine along the way. I couldn't help but watch Zigzag most of the time we walked. He had wrapped the upper half of his jumper around his waist, leaving him in a white shirt, but how he walk.. how he was tall and lean, it was distracting to say the least. I tried not to stare, but figured he couldn't see, so guess it didn't matter too much as long as the others didn't noticed. The sun had came up when we finally made it to an area far out from camp. I held my shovel behind my neck, my arms resting along the ends of the shovel when we finally came to a stop.

 I held my shovel behind my neck, my arms resting along the ends of the shovel when we finally came to a stop

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