They Set Me Up!

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       I sat on the edge of my cot as the others lounged around the tent absentmindedly. I looked around seeing them mindlessly doing nothing. I sighed to myself, looking out the 'window' and saw that the showers weren't in use. I stood up making my way closer to the opening , surveying the area seeing if there were many boys outside like there usually seemed to be. Luckily it was slightly later at night, and there wasn't many in sight.

"What ya doin', Red?" I ignored them walking over to my cubby before grabbing a towel and a shower token.
"Oh! Guess the showers are empty if she's going." Armpit joked. I turned to him unimpressed and rushed out of the tent before anybody from camp decided they wanted to take a shower. I went around back and sat on the side bench and started undoing my boots. I quickly took them off as well as my jumpsuit and white t-shirt I had under it, leaving me in my briefs and bra alone. I threw my towel over the wall and placed a token in, letting the water rain down. I stood under it for a second, placing my hands over my face in content before pulling them away.

"Ay! Look at that, there really is no body." I whipped around seeing Magnet, Squid, Zigzag, Armpit and X-ray all lined up, starting to undress down to their boxers. I stared wide eyed as some smiled at me tauntingly as the others finished undressing too. They all walked into the showers, most of them filling the spots that were opened on my side with X-Ray on the other side. Magnet and Armpit on one end and Zigzag and Squid on the either. Me stuck between the two pairs.
"Nothing like a shower after a long day of shoveling, huh, Red?" Squid asked. I growled and side glared at him.
"Red was so fitting, nice pick Magnet!" He looked around me and gave a thumbs up to Magnet on the other side of me. The other chuckling or approving at this.
"I wonder who's she's blushing at more." I snapped my gaze to Magnet.
"Most definitely not you, that's for sure!" I threw at him. He gave a face of fake hurt.
"Wow girl, that's just cold."
"So then, who is it?"
"Yeah, we're curious now." X-Ray said this time. I threw my head underwater, trying to ignore them all.
"Come on, we'll keep asking."
"We'll find out eventually." I ignored them, trying to finish my shower as soon as I could. I finished just as the timer was done. Me, not wanting to go the way Zigzag was, was forced going past Magnet and 'Pit. Magnet casually took a step back, blocking me from getting past.
"Done so soon?" I narrowed my eyes at him, hoping he'd step forward again, but he didn't.
"You can't do this to me." I said pathetically. He smirked at me, and continued to wash in his place. I shook my head.
"Come on, please don't do this to me." I whined. They laughed, but he still didn't move.
"You.. you just made the top of my list now." I pouted. I looked to the other side of me, not fully looking though as I kept my head down. I felt my face heat more involuntary. I can barely even look that way, let alone walk past him. This place is so narrow, he'd be so close, I can't!
"You gonna go the other way or what?" Magnet asked. I stood there glaring at the side of the makeshift shower in front of me. I walked towards Zigzag, keeping my eyes glued to the wall next to me.
"Can I please get by?" I grumbled quietly. The others got quiet and watched.
"Sorry what was that?" He asked. I grumbled lowly under my breath. They set me up, I just know they did!
"Please let me by." I said normally this time, still not looking in his direction.
"I guess since ya said please." He replied oh so nicely. He was just about to take a step back but stopped before doing so. The water to their showers had stopped.
"Oh showers done!" He suddenly beamed, grinning innocently.
"Time's up." I turned around seeing Magnet and Armpit casually walking out on their side, and turned back seeing the others doing the same. This was most definitely a damn set up. They're dead!
"Well, we narrowed it down to Zigzag and Squid!" Armpit joked. I rushed out wrapping my towel around me.
"I don't like any of you as friends, let alone having a thing for one of you." Some gasped out painfully.
"That's just rude."
"Oh, you love us!" I shook my head at all of them, sitting on the bench to dry some more before putting on my clothes, the others drying first too.
"So it's me right?" Squid suddenly asked wrapping an arm around my shoulder as he plopped on the bench beside me.
"I refuse any more questioning til my lawyer is present." I stated looking straight ahead, ignoring the question.
"Ya know if your lawyer was any good than you wouldn't be here to begin with right?" I sighed pouting.
"Yeah..  He was pretty useless." I joked, not entirely though. The others once again laughed as we all lounged there, still drying. Soon enough we got dressed and made our way back to the tent and just went back to lounging around. I sat on my cot, elbows resting on my knees as my head rested on my hands. Magnet sat beside me on my cot as everyone was gathered around. Zigzag and Squid sat on Zigzag's bed rolling something on a shirt. As the others sat on other cots close by. Stanley had left to take a shower shortly after we got back and Zero laid on his bed bored faced. I stared at whatever it was the boys on Zigzag's bed was playing with. Both of them shirtless as they so often seemed to be. I tried not noticing Zigzag, paying attention to what they were playing with instead.

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