Keith Berenger?

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       The morning alarm went off causing all of us to groan and trudge out of bed slowly as we so often do. I sat on the side of my bed, ignoring the others, hands over my eyes, too tired to get up yet.

"Better get a move on Red."
"At this rate you'll be the last one ready." I pulled my hands away seeing the others getting dressed while looking at me. I tried not looking at Zigzag, as he was only in boxers. I pulled my arms behind me trying to stretch before finally pulling my clothes on. I quickly got dressed and made it in line behind the others, Caveman being the last one to get ready.
"See not the last one." I smirked at Squid.
"Yeah, yeah." He joked as we made our way to get our shovels and breakfast.
"Let's go! No sleeping facing!" Mr Sir yelled at us. I groaned leaning on the person in front of me, thinking it was Magnet. I yawned into the person's back as they slightly turned back.
"Can't sleep now Red, time for work." Zigzag joked. I felt my eyes widen and quickly looked up.
"Oops my bad." He gave a small laugh before stepping forward in line grabbing a shovel, he handed one back to me, to which I thanked him for. We made our way to the tortillas and each grabbing one, walking over to the others after. We started our long tip to the digging site, starting as soon as we get there.

  It was so freaking hot! Today was probably the worst day so far, the heat was so overbearing I almost couldn't take it anymore. I stabbed my shovel into the dirt harshly panting out.
"It's so hot!" I yelled glaring at the sun. I had already undid my jumper having it wrapped around my waist, leaving me in a plain white t-shirt. I couldn't take it though, and decided to just take off the shirt as well, leaving me in the bra even though I felt slightly embarrassed being exposed in front of the boys.. okay so Zigzag but still. I heard one or two of them whistle.
"Yeah take it off girl." I snapped my gaze to Magnet and glared at him.
"Shut it man, you're already on my shit list." I warned.
"Why 'cause I know your dirty little secret?" He taunted, as the others suddenly stopped and looked at him. 
"I'm sorry, her what?"
"Yo, you gotta share with the rest of us man."
"Secrets don't make friends!" He looked around before turning back to me.
"Oh, come on, Red. They're curious." He smiled.
"Yeah, well, curiosity killed the cat!" I retorted causing the others to laugh.
"Hey, Magnet. What's the secret though man?" Zigzag asked leaning closer to him. The others leaning in closer.
"Magnet, if you value your life.. you'll keep your mouth shut." He looked between Zigzag and I before turning to Zigzag.
"Sorry man, my life means more then telling everyone wh-"
"Magnet!" I yelled before he could continue.
"No, no. What was that??" I turned to Zigzag as he looked between Magnet and I this time.
"He don't know what he's talking about." I said drinking from my water. Trying to play off my previous freak out.
"Actually my math was pretty spot on Red." Magnet said proudly this time. I pulled my bottle back, almost choking on the water.
"How was math even used to .. You know what, you and I can discuss this later." I said giving him a look. He looked down scared and went back to digging.
"Sorry man, she's scarier than you." He joked to Zigzag. I ignored the looks of the others and went back to digging.
"Hey look a cloud." Squid suddenly pointing up at the sky.
"Where man?"
"Right there." He pointed again. We stopped digging again for a minute looking at the sky at the pathetic little cloud.
"Maybe it'll move in front of the sun." Zigzag hoped, leaning against the side of his half dug hole.
"Come on little cloud. You can do it." Magnet encouraged. I smiled at the goof, knowing the cloud wouldn't listen to him.
"Please, that's all I'm asking for is just a little shade." Armpit pleaded.
"Warden owns the shade man." Caveman suddenly added.
"Maybe we'll get lucky. Maybe we'll get some clouds. It'll rain for 40 days and 40 nights." I gave Zigzag a blank look, as he looked at me as if saying 'what?'
"Yeah, and maybe we'll have to build an ark and get two of each animal." Armpit joked.
"Yeah two scorpions, two rattlesnakes, two yellow spotted lizards. All of that." X-Ray joked too.
"Ain't no damn scorpions allowed!" I yelled. The others laughed as I noticed Magnet suddenly put down his shovel moving to Caveman's.
"Hey. What do you got there Caveman?" Magnet asked as the others looked over.
"What you got there?" He kneeled down beside them as they seemed to examine something.
"I don't know... Hey X. I think I might have found something." Caveman said holding something up. X-Ray jumped effortlessly out of his hole, Armpit trying to do the same but failed to do so. The others made their way towards Caveman before I finally decided too as well.
"Let me see that." X-Ray took the object to inspect it.
"What do you think?"
"Looks like an old shotgun shell or something man." He said unsure, Squid grabbed it from him.
"No, man, it's too skinny to be a shotgun shell... No, no it's not a shotgun shell."
"Yeah, no. It's not a shotgun shell."
"Look at this. You see that little heart? You see that? With the letters in it right there?" X-Ray squinted trying to see the details on the item.
"Yeah 'K.B.' that's what it is."
"Let me see." Zigzag suddenly said eagerly. He was handed the item and started to look it over as well. I leaned closer over his and Magnet's shoulder to get a closer look as well.

They call her, Red || ZigzagWhere stories live. Discover now